2015-16 University Bulletin 
    Feb 19, 2025  
2015-16 University Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

History, B.A.

NY State Program Code: 04091
HEGIS Code: 2205.00
CIP Code: 54.0101

(36 credits)

The curriculum of the history major is structured in four stages or tiers. Additional appropriate courses will be determined by consultation between student and adviser.

General Education Requirements

All students must satisfy the University’s General Education and foreign language requirements , in addition to the requirements for the major.

Requirements in effect in fall 2014 for incoming freshmen and for all other students declaring the major after the spring 2015 semester

Required GPA: 2.0
Credits Required for Major: 36
Credits Required to Graduate: 120

Introductory Course Requirements (6 credits)

Sophomore Seminar in Research Skills (3 credits)

Three Fields of Concentration

Selected from US, Europe, Global, and Thematic: one 12 credit geographic field, one 6 credit geographic, and one 6 credit geographic or thematic field (24 total credits).

12 HIS (0136) credits (only 3 of which can be 100-level) in a specific geographic field (US, Europe, or Global)


6 HIS (0136) credits (only 3 of which can be 100-level) in a second geographic field (US, Europe, or Global) different from the first.


6 HIS (0136) credits (only 3 of which can be 100-level) in a third geographic field (US, Europe, or Global) different from the first two or in the thematic field approved by the department.

The courses that count for the different geographic field designations are given below.  Students should consult with the department or check its moodle site for majors for information on the thematic fields currently available and the courses that count for them.

History Electives (6 credits)

6 HIS (0136) credits

Senior Seminar (3 credits)

  3 HIS (0136) credits 400-level: Senior Research Seminar

The courses that count for the senior seminar are given below.


Additional Requirements (courses that may also fulfill field of concentration or elective requirements)

  • 3 HIS (0136) credits 200-level or above focused primarily on history prior to 1750 and
  • 3 HIS (0136) credits in a course with historiographical focus or in a course focused on writing a research paper.

Students should consult with the department or check its moodle site for majors to find out which current courses count for the historigraphical/research paper focus requirement.

Additional Rules:

Only 12 credits of 100-level courses may count towards the major.

Because the study of history requires a broad perspective on the human condition, history majors are encouraged to take courses in allied disciplines like sociology, political science, anthropology, languages and literature, and art history.  To this end, students must have the permission of their advisor and the department chair to count more than 45 HIS (0136) credits towards the 120 they need for graduation with a BA in history.


Courses that Count Toward Geographic Field, Pre-1750, and Senior Seminar Requirements


  • Students in STEP/Adolescence MUST take HIS (0136) 250 Geography in History
  • To graduate with honors in history one must fulfill all requirements for a B.A. in history, have a GPA of 3.5 in history courses, and have a GPA of 3.5 in two courses that fulfill the historiography/research paper requirement.

Semester Sequence

Degree: B.A.
Required GPA: 2.0
Credits Required for Major: 36
Credits Required to Graduate: 120

Course Credits Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior
    Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
HIS (0136) 101 Western Civilization I1
HIS (0136) 105 World Civilizations I1


HIS (0136) 102 Western Civilization II1
HIS (0136) 106 World Civilizations II1


HIS (0136) 201 Sophomore Seminar in Research Skills2 3     or ✓        
Historiographical or Research paper course1 3         or ✓    
Senior Seminar 3             or ✓
Pre-1750 course1 3 or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓
First Geographic History Field 12 or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓
Second Geographic History Field 6 or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓
Third Geographic or Thematic History Field 6 or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓
History Electives 6 or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓
Level I-IV Language3 0-12 or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓
1These courses may also count toward the geographic/thematic field and history elective requirements.
2Transfer students entering with junior standing should take Sophomore Seminar their first semester at Adelphi.
3Students may elect to sit for the language competency examination to be exempt from the foreign language requirement.


Requirements in effect for students who are grandfathered into the old major

These requirements apply to students who declared the major before the end of the spring 2015 semester and did not enter Adelphi University as freshman in fall 2014 or spring 2015.

History Electives

History electives must be selected in consultation with the adviser.

History Electives


No more than 12 credits at 100-level
History majors are limited to a maximum of 45 credits in history

Semester Sequence

Degree: B.A.
Required GPA: 2.0
Credits Required for Major: 36
Credits Required to Graduate: 120

Course Credits Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior
    Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
HIS (0136) 101 Western Civilization I
HIS (0136) 105 World Civilizations I


HIS (0136) 102 Western Civilization II
HIS (0136) 106 World Civilizations II


HIS (0136) 201 Sophomore Seminar in Research Skills 3     or ✓        
HIS (0136) 400 level: Senior Research Seminar 3             or ✓
Global History Electives (see list above) 6 or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓
US History Electives (see list above) 9 or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓
European History Elective (see list above) 3 or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓
History Electives (see information above) 6 or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓
Level I-IV Language* 0-12 or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓ or ✓
*Students may elect to sit for the language competency examination to be exempt from the foreign language requirement.