NY State Program Code: 31152
HEGIS Code: 0830.00
CIP Code: 13.1315
(15 credits)
Evelyn O’Connor, Program Director
Harvey Hall, Room 217
p – (516) 877-4173
f – (516) 877-4097
e – eoconnor@adelphi.edu
Candidate must hold a master’s degree in a related area and a valid New York State Teacher certification to complete the advanced certificate program. Candidate assumes full responsibility for all tuition and fees incurred.
This program is designed to offer an integrated, theoretically grounded view of literacy and literacy learning that addresses the needs of students and educators in diverse communities. We facilitate rigorous scholarship and research, contextualized learning and service in school and community settings, and opportunities for critical reflection on the role of literacy in society and our responsibilities as educators. This program is designed to enhance the professional preparation of classroom teachers as literacy specialists and to prepare them for leadership roles. Completion of the program will lead to New York State certification as a Literacy Specialist.
This program will enhance the professional preparation of classroom teachers, interventional literacy teachers, clinicians, supervisors, and directors or coordinators of literacy in school districts. Those candidates completing the program of study will be recommended for certification as a literacy specialist for grades Pre-K through grade 12 (18 credits).
A candidate must hold a related Master’s degree and a valid NYS teacher certification to be eligible for the Post-Master’s program.
The following course is required for students seeking a NY State Certification:
- One course that develops the skills necessary to provide instruction and progress of students with disabilities for students
Course selection must be approved by department adviser
Estimated time of completion: 1.5 years