NY State Program Code: 04171
HEGIS Code: 2104.00
CIP Code: 44.0701
The undergraduate Social Work program leads to a Bachelor of Social Work degree (B.S.W.), preparing students for generalist social work practice in the complex and varied social services organizations. Grounded in rich and vigorous liberal arts and sciences, the curriculum provides students with the professional knowledge, values, skills and critical analysis essential for generalist practice with diverse individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. The curriculum also serves as preparation for master’s degree education for those graduates who wish to specialize further and prepare of licensure.
The Social Work curriculum builds upon the General Education and Liberal Arts required undergraudate curriculum. The curriculum includes opportunities to explore diverse social, economic, racial, cultural, and enviornmenal justice areas. This is explored through social action projects, classroom learning, Social Work club events, experiental learning opportunites and the required two academic years of practicum experience. The Bachelor of Social Work program prepares students for generalist practice with diverse individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.