Spring 2020 Update 
    Mar 12, 2025  
Spring 2020 Update [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CSC (0145) 370 - Computer Architecture and Organization

Credits: 3.00

Students will learn how programming constructs are represented and implemented at a machine-language level. Students will write working code in a symbolic assembly language.

Prerequisite 1: CSC 273 CSC 275  
Students will:
●    Be able to simplify Boolean expression using Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps and computer algorithms, design combination (or combinatorial) and sequential circuits, design basic digital devices such as decoders registers. This objective will be measured by Quizzes 1-7 and the Mid-term examination. 
●    Design computer components such as ALUs and control units. This objective will be measured by Quizzes 8 and 9, and the final examination. 
●    Be able to identify and describe the functions of CPU components and write assembly language programs that perform arithmetic and logical operations and use basic algorithmic constructs. This objective will be measured by Quiz 10 and the final examination.