Spring 2020 Update 
    Mar 12, 2025  
Spring 2020 Update [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CSC (0145) 263 - Database Management System

Credits: 3.00

Students manipulate structured data using different data management techniques, and  analyze data requirements.Students learn to design relational databases  and use SQL to define, query and update them. Students explore non-relational schemaless databases, and query them.

Prerequisite 1: CSC 175  
Students will:
• Have an appreciation of the role of data, files, and databases in information systems. This will be measured by Quizzes 1, 2, and the Mid-Term Examination.
• Understand the database development activities during the System Development Cycle (SDLC). This will be measured by Quizzes 3,4 and the Mid-Term Examination.
• Be familiar with the data modeling concepts (Entity-Relationship and Class diagrams) that are used in database design. This will be measured by Quiz5 and the Mid-Term Examination.
• Be able to create databases and pose complex SQL queries of relational databases. This will be measured by Lab Assignments 1, 2, and the Final Examination.
• Be knowledgeable Learn about several Database Management Systems (DBMS’s such as MSAccess, Microsoft SQL Server, and ORACLE). This will be measured by Quizzes 6, 7, and the Final Examination.
• Be familiar with a broad range of data management issues including data integrity and security. This will be measured by Lab Assignment 3 and the Final Examination.
• Know how to utilize a CASE tool for data modeling and schema creation. This will be measured by the Final Examination.