Spring 2020 Update 
    Feb 05, 2025  
Spring 2020 Update [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

UMH (0627) 614 - Becoming a Reflective Supervisor

Credits: 1.00

Students will begin to acquire the attitudes and develop the interpersonal and process skills central to becoming reflective supervisors able to conduct reflective supervision effectively later in their careers. The course is primarily practice-based complemented by coaching, mentoring and self-reflection.

Free Note: Only students in IMH-DP program

1. Communicate a sense of warmth, caring and compassion as a reflective supervisor  

2. Demonstrate tolerance and suspend judgment during and after conducting reflective  supervision

3. Appreciate parallel process

4. Create a climate of safety, confidentiality, reliability and predictability as a reflective supervisor

5. Build and use relationship as a medium for promoting health and growth

6. Listen carefully and with full emotional availability while conducting reflective supervision

7. Hold ambivalence and anxiety during reflective supervision sessions

8. Communicate a tone of humility

9. Demonstrate an interest in helping the supervisee develop new skills

10. Create a climate of mutual respect, and professionalism as a reflective supervisor

11. Promote shared understanding and discovery of feelings

12. Promote openness and honesty as a reflective supervisor

13. Invite and move dialogue forward.