Spring 2020 Update 
    Feb 10, 2025  
Spring 2020 Update [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

UMH (0627) 612 - Reflective Supervision for Trauma Treatment

Credits: 2.00

Students will examine trauma cases with a trained reflective supervisor to contemplate clinical work, relationships with clients, refine reflective function, gain insight, solve problems and hone the therapeutic use of self to deepen reflective practice with specific focus on their trauma treatment and address compassion fatigue.  

Free Note: Required for students in IMH-DP program.

Be self-observing and reflective of their impact on children and families with trauma.

2. Be attuned to and manage the forces of transference and countertransference arising in the course of clinical work gaining awareness of  how personal characteristics, feeling states, culture, style may unconsciously contribute to the work with children and families with trauma

3. Define and maintain appropriate boundaries across in a variety of roles and settings  

4. Apply self-knowledge and reflective function/mindfulness to better understand families, therapeutic process and parallel process in trauma treatment

5. Reflect on their own disciplinary scope of practice within an interdisciplinary context and appropriately negotiate referrals and second opinions when appropriate

6. Create a climate of safety and confidentiality and listen with full emotional availability, actively gaining an empathic understanding of children and families experiencing trauma

7. Frame the work in the context of the parent-child relationship in spite of multiple needs and distractions.

8. Objectively assess the strengths and limitations of the practice setting and appropriately act in the best interest of the child/family experiencing trauma

9. Tolerate strong feeling, serve as a container for affect and projection and manage ambivalence and ambiguity arising from trauma treatment

10. Apply an understanding of cultural competence to form meaning and interpret clinical material, communicate effectively, establish positive relationships with families and demonstrate respect for the uniqueness of each client family’s culture

11. Organize and present case formulations, interpret case material from competing perspectives and explain why a particular course of action was chosen in trauma treatment

12. Make effective use of reflective supervision