Spring 2020 Update [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
UMH (0627) 605 - Development in a Relational Context: Starting at Conception Credits: 3.00
Students will learn about the theoretical, empirical and clinical foundations focusing on relationship as the crucible of infant development emphasizing attachment theory. Reflective function, mutual regulation and inter-subjectivity are examined in the context of temperament, culture and neurodevelopment. Case-based problem solving helps develop clinical reasoning and understanding of relational treatment.
Free Note: Required for students in IMH-DP program.
1.Understand the psychological and behavioral dynamics of pregnancy and parenthood
2.Explain reflective function, inter-subjectivity and mutual regulation as issue and vectors of the parent-infant relationship functions and vectors of the parent-infant relationship
3.Consider the parent-infant relationship, attachment and related functions through the lens of temperament and culture
4.Gain a working knowledge of attachment theory and science
5.Understand and describe the behavioral expression, assessment and classification of attachment
6.Gain a working knowledge of the principles of relational treatment
7.Through didactic and case-based learning, gain a conceptual and working knowledge of Strength-based practice, ports of entry and development guidance