Spring 2020 Update 
    Mar 12, 2025  
Spring 2020 Update [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CSC (0145) 387 - Video Game Development Workshop

Credits: 3.00

Students will learn about the creative, technical, and business aspects of the video game development process.  Students will gain practical experience working individually and on team-based projects.   

Prerequisite 1: ART 125  and COM 345  and CSC 137  
Free Note: Does not count for credit for the Computer Science major.

Learning Goals: At the end of the course, students should have the ability to:

Describe the complete game design process, including creative, technical, and business aspects.

Collaborate with small, interdisciplinary teams to design a computer game, explicitly addressing the narrative, artistic components, and implementation methods as part of the design.

Collaborate with small, interdisciplinary teams to implement a computer game based upon a complete design.

Collaborate with small, interdisciplinary teams to test and evaluate computer games for playability and for seamlessness of user interface.


In addition, students will have the beginnings of a game development portfolio that they can show to potential employers.