Office of Student Financial Services
Levermore Hall, Lower Level, Room 1
p – 516.877.3080
e –
w -
Information for All Adelphi Students on Expenses and Financial Aid
The Office of Student Financial Services is committed to providing students with all available options for meeting their educational costs at Adelphi. The staff is available by appointment or on a walk-in basis to discuss financial aid options.
To make an appointment to meet with a financial aid counselor for an in-depth consultation call 516.877.3080. For the schedule of office hours or for additional information, visit the Student Financial Services website at
Tuition and Fees
The following Tuition and Fee Policy pertains to the 2016–2017 academic year. The Board of Trustees of Adelphi University reserves the right to change this tuition and fee schedule without prior notice. For the most current information regarding tuition and fees, check our website at or call the Office of Students Financial Services at 516.877.3080.
Charges billed by the University are outlined below. Students and parents, however, should be prepared to pay for expenditures associated with books, travel and personal items. Additional fees and charges for specific courses, as detailed in the class schedule, also may be assessed.
Tuition and Fee Rates
See sections for Undergraduate or Graduate study later in this section.
Payment Options
Traditional Payment Options
Please visit the Cashier’s Office in the lower level of Levermore Hall to make your payment via cash, check, money order or by credit card (MasterCard, Visa and Discover only, card must be present, with no additional processing fee). Please note that the University will not accept credit card payments via phone or mail. If you choose to pay your bill by credit card and cannot visit the Cashier’s Office, please see the online payment options below. You may also mail your check or money order made payable to Adelphi University directly to the remittance address listed on your bill. Please write your student identification number on the check on the “Memo” line.
Electronic Check Payment: If you choose this method there is no fee and payment is simply withdrawn from your checking account the following day and forwarded to Adelphi University on your behalf.
Credit Card Payment
If you choose to pay your balance due by credit card and you cannot visit the Cashier’s Office to have your MasterCard, Visa, or Discover card swiped, the University allows you to make a credit card payment online. Please note that if you choose this option there will be an additional nonrefundable online processing fee ($35 for transactions less than $1,000; $75 for transactions between $1,000 and less than $5,000; and $125 for all transactions $5,000 or greater). To avoid this additional processing fee, the University urges its students to explore the alternative, no additional charge, payment options discussed above.
International Students
International students can pay their tuition deposit and/or bill from any bank in any country, often in their home currency, using the flywire service.
Payment Policy
Tuition and fees are due in full by August 1st for the Fall semester and January 6th for the Spring semester unless the two-payment plan or the monthly payment plan is elected. Students pre-registering for the fall and spring semesters will be billed in June and November, respectively. Students are responsible for all charges regardless of billing. All payments will be applied to past due balances first.
Students are required to notify the Office of the Registrar of their appropriate billing address and to contact the Office of Student Financial Services if bills are not received. Payments must be made in accordance with University policies, whether or not bills are received. Students may request a current statement of account at the Office of Student Financial Services, Levermore Hall, Lower Level, Room One.
Pre-Payment Plan
For students and parents interested in stabilizing the tuition rate (prevailing during the first year of participation in the plan), Adelphi offers a pre-payment plan. Participation is limited to those in full-time attendance. Only tuition charges are included. All other charges are payable as billed. A single payment covering the entire cost of undergraduate tuition is required to be made. For further information, please contact the Controller’s Office at 516.877.3177.
Two Payment Plan
Students may elect the two payment plan for each semester. One-half of the balance, plus the $60 two payment plan fee, is due by August 1 for the fall semester or January 6 for the spring semester. The final payment is due on October 15 or March 15. For more information, visit
Monthly Tuition Pay Plan
Many students have indicated a preference to pay on a monthly basis. Adelphi offers a monthly Tuition Payment Plan, which provides for payment in monthly installments as an alternative. An email is sent to new deposited students and continuing students in May. Information on this plan can also be obtained in the Office of Student Financial Services. For more information, visit
Late Payment Fees
Tuition and fees are due in full by the first payment due date unless the two payment plan or the TPP (Tuition Payment Plan) is elected. Programs not following the traditional semester calendar are also subject to late payment fees.
Students having outstanding indebtedness to the University will not be permitted to register, receive a transcript, grade report or diploma. No student may withdraw or graduate from the University in good standing unless all current obligations are paid in full. Federal and state regulations, as well as University policy, precludes the use of any current financial aid for payment of past due charges.
Late Payment Fees
Fall Semester |
Payment after August 1 |
$60 |
Payment after October 15 (add’l) |
$35 |
Payment after October 31 (add’l) |
$110 |
Spring Semester |
Payment after January 6 |
$60 |
Payment after March 15 (add’l) |
$35 |
Payment after March 31 (add’l) |
$110 |
Summer Semester |
$25 |
Refund Policy for Tuition
Refunds are computed as of the date the Registrar is notified of the withdrawal. The date of the request will determine the tuition liability for the semester. Nonattendance in a course does not constitute an official withdrawal. Students will be held responsible for payment of all tuition and fees until an official withdrawal is processed by the Registrar.
Refunds do not depend on the number of class sessions held or attended. Failure to complete payment is not an official withdrawal. A student who is suspended or dismissed or who withdraws when under investigation for misconduct shall not have tuition refunded for the semester in which such action is taken.
All refunds of credit balances must be requested from the Office of Student Financial Services. All students who withdraw from the University prior to the first day of classes will receive a credit for all tuition and fees, less the mandatory withdrawal fee.
Adelphi University is partnered with BankMobile Disbursements® to deliver refunds. BankMobile is committed to:
- Delivering 100% of your refund
- Keeping your data secure
- Allowing you to change your refund preferences at any time
- Providing you with clear choices
- Offering great customer serviceHow to use BankMobile
For more information, visit
How to use BankMobile
- Verify your mailing address. Please make sure we have your current mailing address on file. You can verify your information by contacting the Office of the University Registrar at 516.877.3300 or If you have moved and need to update the address the University has on file, please fill out and return the change of address form. Be sure to update your address with the US Postal service as well to avoid delays.
- Watch the mail. Look for the bright green envelope from BankMobile to arrive in the mail at the address you provided. Inside you’ll find your Refund Selection Kit with a unique Personal Code which will allow you to set up your refund preferences.

- Log on and sign up—don’t delay! Log in at with your personal code and let us know how you’d like to receive your refund. Just choose the option that best fits you. Be sure to get started as soon as your kit arrives! Remember, even if you are not currently expecting a refund this semester, you may receive a refund in the future, so don’t wait.
Title IV Recipients
Adelphi University’s refund policy conforms to the updated version (Section 668.22) of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998. In accordance with federal regulations, students who withdraw from the University and have Federal Title IV financial assistance (Federal Stafford Loan, Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students, Federal SEOG, Federal Perkins Loan, or Federal Pell Grant) that has been credited or could have been credited to their account will be subject to both federal policy regarding the possible return of Title IV funds awarded AND Adelphi University’s policy regarding the possible return of institutional aid awarded. Furthermore, the amount of refundable institutional charges (and/or possible reduction of outstanding balance) will be set by school policy.
The order of return of Title IV funds at Adelphi University is as follows:
- Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans
- Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans
- Federal Perkins Loans
- Federal PLUS Loans
- Graduate PLUS Loans
- Federal Pell Grants
- Federal ACG/SMART Grants
- Federal SEOG Grants
- Other Title IV programs
Sample worksheets for calculation are available in the Office of Student Financial Services upon request.
Additional information regarding Title IV refunds may be found at
Refund of Institutional Charges
All students who are ineligible for assistance under the Federal Title IV programs are subject to the following institutional refund schedule for a traditional 15-week semester including full summer sessions:
Refund of Institutional Charges
Full/partial drop/withdrawal |
School Week |
Percentage Refunded |
Prior to the first day of the semester |
100% |
By the end of the first week |
90% |
By the end of the second week |
50% |
By the end of the third week |
50% |
By the end of the fourth week |
25% |
Thereafter |
No Refund |
For information about the refund schedule for programs less than 10 weeks, and workshops, please see
Residence Fees Refund
See Undergraduate section
An appeals committee exists for students and parents who feel that individual circumstances warrant exceptions from published policies. Any written requests for appeals should be directed to the committee’s coordinator. The address is:
Cashier’s Office/Appeals Committee
Levermore Hall, Room 9
Adelphi University
South Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
The University reserves the right to change all tuition and fee amounts and policies without prior notice.
Financial Assistance
Adelphi University offers a wide variety of financial assistance programs in addition to the various federal and state programs that currently exist.
Financial assistance is any grant, scholarship, loan, or employment opportunity that is offered to an enrolled or prospective student with the express purpose of helping the student meet educational expenses.
The amounts and types of financial assistance that a student receives are determined by the eligibility of the applicant for each program. The combination of these various awards is commonly referred to as the “financial aid package.”
The University expects each student to have knowledge of the information presented in the Bulletin and appropriate Directory of Classes.
Graduate students are encouraged to file the appropriate application forms and to contact their graduate school/department for a listing of additional resources and assistantship information.
Responsibilities of Financial Assistance Recipients
Students receiving financial assistance have the following responsibilities:
- To complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each academic year by the deadline prescribed by the University.
- To meet the requirements of good academic standing and maintain satisfactory academic progress toward their degree.
- If a student transfers from another institution to Adelphi University during the same award year, federal regulations require that we request, through the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), updated information about any fall disbursements so that any spring disbursements are accurate and do not exceed federally mandated maximums. The assistance package may change after review of the students’ record on the NSLDS system.
- To report to the Office of Student Financial Services any changes in enrollment status, changes of name or address, receipt of any additional internal or external financial assistance.
The University reserves the right to make adjustments in financial assistance packages because of changes in the recipient’s enrollment, residency status, income discrepancies, or financial circumstances.
The University further reserves the right to make proportionate adjustments in campus-administered financial assistance if federal or state funding to the University changes.
Institutional scholarships and grants are applicable to tuition and, in some cases, University fees. The University reserves the right to adjust the financial assistance previously awarded when these awards, in combination with other sources of assistance, exceed the cost of tuition and fees. Awards include, but are not limited to, VA educational benefits, external awards, state scholarships and grants from all sources.
Financial Assistance Policies
All financial assistance awards are made based on the information available as of the date of the financial assistance award letter. If the student subsequently receives financial assistance from sources not specified in the award letter, either from Adelphi or from outside sources, Adelphi reserves the right to adjust the financial assistance package.
The Office of Student Financial Services should be notified of any change to the family’s financial situation after the completion of the FAFSA if the student or parents believe it could affect the student’s eligibility for assistance. Adjustments to a student’s financial assistance award may be made at the discretion of the Office of Student Financial Services. Some common reasons for adjustments are change in budgets and awards (for example, if the student moves from University housing to private housing), changes in enrollment (for example, enrolling part-time when originally indicated full-time on the application), documentation of incorrectly reported income and asset information, changes in family circumstances, receipt of outside or academic scholarships, or any other changes in information that, in the opinion of the Office of Student Financial Services, justifies a change in the financial assistance awards.
Students receiving institutional scholarships that exceed the cost of tuition may be subject to federal income tax on the amount by which the award exceeds tuition. We recommend students check with their tax consultant for further information.
Institutional scholarships and grants are applicable to tuition and, in some cases, University fees. The University reserves the right to adjust the financial assistance previously awarded when these awards, in combination with other sources of assistance, exceed the cost of tuition and fees. Awards include, but are not limited to, VA educational benefits, external awards, state scholarships and grants from all sources.
Nondegree Students
Individuals registering for courses in the University without applying to the Admissions Office for degree status are considered nondegree students. The courses taken are considered to be for personal enrichment and the student is not eligible for any financial assistance.
Foreign Students
Federal and state financial aid programs are limited to U.S. citizens and certain permanent resident aliens (persons with Form I-151, I-551 (a “Green Card”), or I-94).
FAFSA Application Procedures
Students applying for financial assistance must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Applications can be completed online at All New York State residents who are receiving financial assistance from Adelphi are encouraged to apply to New York State for the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) grant (note: as of 2011, only undergraduate students are eligible for TAP). Students will be presented with a link to the TAP application when they have completed the FAFSA on line. They must follow this link to apply for TAP.
If a student transfers from another institution to Adelphi University during the same award year, federal regulations require that we request, through the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), updated information about any fall disbursements so that any spring disbursements are accurate and do not exceed any federally mandated maximums. Since the information on the NSLDS system may not be accessed earlier than 30 days before the start of the spring semester, the assistance package may change after review of the record on the NSLDS system.
Although award decisions will not be made until an applicant has been officially accepted by the Admissions Office, it is important to note that financial assistance applications can and should be completed prior to admission acceptance.
Application Deadlines
Applications for all financial assistance programs should be made by all new and continuing students as soon after January 1st as possible each year. The various state and federal programs have deadline dates that extend throughout the academic year. Consult the Office of Student Financial Services for specific dates that may affect applications for these programs.
The entire FAFSA should be completed online at as soon as possible after January 1 each year. Filing by February 15 for continuing students and March 1 for new students maximizes your access to the different financial aid programs. Applications made after those respective dates will only be considered if funds remain available.
Students currently enrolled are required to reapply for financial assistance each academic year.
Eligibility for financial assistance cannot be determined prior to the student’s acceptance into an eligible program of study at the university. The published financial aid priority deadlines are used when determining eligibility for certain limited sources of funding.
PLEASE NOTE: ANY student selected for verification who has not completed the federal verification process CANNOT receive federal financial aid or need-based university grants. First time students at Adelphi must complete entrance counseling and a Master Promissory Note before Federal Direct Stafford Loan funds can be applied to their account.
Academic Requirements to Maintain Financial Assistance
Financial assistance recipients must be in good academic standing and must be making satisfactory academic progress. Failure to meet established criteria will result in the loss of financial assistance. Details concerning established criteria are available in the Office of Academic Services and Retention, the Office of Student Financial Services and online at
If a student is officially withdrawing from the University, the W grades will not count toward unsatisfactory credits. (See the section titled “University Withdrawal .”)
Hours attempted constitute all courses a student registers for, including courses in which grades of F, I and W are given.
Credits earned include all courses in which grades of A, B, C, D, or P are given.
Students who do not make satisfactory progress because they have failed to earn the required credit ratio due to grades of W, F, or I, are not eligible for financial assistance. The federal criteria and New York State Tuition Assistance Program requirements may vary from the University criteria. Please contact the Office of Student Financial Services for more specific information.
Ombudsman Information for Title IV Students
The US Department of Education’s Office of Student Financial Assistance Ombudsman is available to assist students in resolving loan disputes and other problems. Contact them for assistance at 202.401.4498 (Washington, DC) or toll-free at 877.557.2575. Additional information is available at the Department of Education’s Federal Student Aid Ombudsman website:
Note: Additional Financial Assistance information is presented in the Undergraduate and Graduate sections of this chapter.
Undergraduate-Specific Expenses and Financial Aid
Per Semester |
Annual |
Full-time students (12-17 credits) |
Tuition and fees |
$17,870 |
$35,740 |
Upper Division Nursing*, Education and Social Work |
Tuition and fees |
$17,970 |
$35,940 |
Part-time students (1-11 credits) |
Tuition per credit hour |
$ 1,040 |
Tuition per credit hour, Upper Division (Nursing*, Education**
and Social Work)
$ 1,065 |
University & Technology Fees |
$ 448 |
$ 896 |
Student Activity Fee |
$ 15 |
$ 30 |
Tuition for students enrolled in the University College program is $885 per credit with University fees of $340 for part-time students (1-11 credits) and $490 for full-time students (12 or more credits). |
Tuition for students enrolled in the Social Work (BSW) program in Manhattan/Hauppauge is $835 and $940 respectively, per credit with University and Technology fees of $310 per semester for part-time students (1-11 credits) and $460 for full-time students (12 or more credits). |
*In addition, there is a $400 charge for each clinical nursing course and a liability insurance fee charged for each semester. |
**The Education upper-division rate will be charged to all Education majors with 55 or more credits including all STEP students regardless of class level. |
University fees cover the use of all academic and recreational facilities. They also include use of the Library, the Center for Recreation and Sports, the Health Service Center, counseling and career services and provides for security, including shuttle transportation services and accident insurance for all students. The Technology Fee is used to maintain a wireless campus, provide web and eCampus services, allow students access to hundreds of PCs and Macs across campus, as well as the latest smart technology in classrooms. |
The Student Activity Fee is allocated and disbursed by the Student Government Association to recgonized student groups. |
Undergraduate Other Fees and Charges
Application Fee |
Undergraduate |
$40 |
Continuous Matriculation Fee |
$125 |
Criminal Background Check (where required) |
$100 |
Deposits |
Tuition for new students (non-refundable) |
$250 |
Learning Resource/Bridges Program Deposit (additional) |
$250 |
Room and Board |
$300 |
Employer Deferment Fee |
$75 |
Late Registration Fee |
Undergraduate |
$160 |
Orientation |
Freshmen (Fall semester only, non-refundable) |
$275 |
Transfers and Freshmen (Spring semester only) |
$80 |
Registration Fee (non-refundable) |
$125 |
Registration Reinstatement Fee |
$150 |
Withdrawal Fee |
$125 |
Transcripts Fee (per copy) |
$12 |
Two Payment Plan |
$60 |
Uncollected Check (returned by bank) |
$25 |
Bridges to Adelphi Program Fee (per semester) continuing students/new students (fall semester) |
$3,035/3,940 |
Learning Resource Program Fee (per semester) |
$4,375 |
Learning Resource Program Fee (summer) |
$2,460 |
Music Private Instruction (per semester) |
$1,095 |
Music Private Instruction (summer) |
$315 |
Residence Fees 2016-2017
Annual Room Rates
(per person/per academic year excluding intersession & summer) |
Room Type |
Cost Per Semester |
Cost Per Year |
There are very few single rooms and they are usually reserved for special circumstances. |
Premium Single Room |
$6,550 |
$13,100 |
Single Room |
$5,665 |
$11,330 |
Single Room with Air Conditioning |
$6,185 |
$12,370 |
Single Room in Honors College Suite |
$6,925 |
$13,850 |
Most students will have a double room, as these are the most common on the campus. |
Premium Double Room |
$6,300 |
$12,600 |
Double Room in Honors College Suite |
$6,190 |
$12,380 |
Double Room |
$4,930 |
$9,860 |
Double Room with Air Conditioning |
$5,440 |
$10,880 |
Large Triple Room in New Residence Hall* |
$5,810 |
$11,620 |
Triple Room in New Residence Hall |
$5,610 |
$11,220 |
Triple Room* |
$4,450 |
$8,900 |
Triple Room with Air Conditioning* |
$4,960 |
$9,920 |
Converted Triple Room |
$4,070 |
$8,140 |
Converted Triple Room with Air Conditioning |
$4,590 |
$9,180 |
Triple Room in Honors College Suite |
$5,305 |
$10,610 |
*These rooms are designed to accommodate three students. |
Room in New Residence |
$5,080 |
$10,160 |
Resident Activity Fee |
$25.00 |
$50.00 |
Meal Plan Options for the 2016-2017 School Year
Freshman resident students are required to choose the Premium, Platinum, or Gold Block Meal Plans listed below. Sophomore, Junior and Senior students can choose any of the undergrad Block Meal Plans listed below. The All-You-Care-to-Eat meals can be used at Post Hall and Panther Dollars can be used at all retail venues throughout campus per semester. All students on an All-You-Care-to-Eat Meal Plan receive a free brunch every Sunday on campus. All dining plans are tax-free. |
All-You-Care-to Eat Block Plans |
Meal Plan |
Panther Dollars |
Average Meals Per Week |
Cost Per Semester |
290 All-You-Care-to-Eat meals per semester |
$100 + $100 bonus = $200 total |
18 |
$2,520 |
240 All-You-Care-to-Eat meals per semester |
$100 + $100 bonus = $200 total |
15 |
$2,310 |
190 All-You-Care-to-Eat meals per semester |
$150 + $100 bonus = $250 total |
12 |
$2,010 |
130 All-You-Care-to-Eat meals per semester |
$250 |
8 |
$1,710 |
70 All-You-Care-to-Eat meals per semester |
$300 |
4+ |
$1,015 |
Can be added to any meal plan up to 4 weeks into semester |
$375 total |
$300 |
Commuter students may also purchase meal plans. For information on commuter meal plans, contact the Office of Commuter Student Affairs in the University Center, Room 109, (516) 877-6667.
Medical Insurance
All residence hall and international students are automatically enrolled in Adelphi’s student medical insurance plan. A student who is already covered by alternative medical insurance and wishes to cancel Adelphi’s coverage, must complete the waiver process by October 1 (for the fall semester) or March 1 (for new students entering in the spring semester). Likewise, those students who do not have medical insurance coverage and wish to enroll in Adelphi’s plan must do so by the same dates. For details go to
Room and Board Deposit
Each resident student granted University housing is required to pay a $300 housing deposit. In addition, students new to the University must also pay the $250 tuition deposit. Damage deposits should be paid prior to June 1 for priority consideration. Those submitting deposits after June 1 will be assigned on a space-available basis.
Residence Fees Refund
Room and board charges (less nonrefundable deposits) will be refunded in full prior to occupancy. The housing deposit will be refunded provided that the Office of Residential Life and Housing is notified by the student in writing of the cancellation prior to July 15 for the fall semester or December 15 for the spring semester. After these dates, the deposit will be forfeited. Except in the case of midyear graduation or withdrawal from the institution, the housing agreement is binding from the date of occupancy to the end of the current academic year. Upon occupancy, the housing deposit is used as a damage deposit and the residence activity fee is no longer refundable.
A student may be released from this agreement only if approved by a special committee that shall review each request individually and with reference to prevailing University policy for granting such waivers.
Should a resident withdraw from the University, that student must notify the Office of Residential Life and Housing, in writing and then follow appropriate procedures by checking out with a residential life staff member. All room refunds are subject to the room refund schedule found at Please review the schedule before requesting a refund.
A student who is suspended or dismissed from the University or from housing, or who withdraws when under investigation for misconduct, shall not have housing fees refunded for the semester in which such action is taken. All refunds of credit balances must be requested from the Office of Student Financial Services.
Undergraduate Financial Assistance
In addition to the information presented below, please see the Financial Assistance section at the beginning of this chapter for policy and loan information that applies to both undergraduate and graduate students.
Institutional Scholarships
Adelphi offers a wide range of scholarships. Scholarships are generally awarded to students who attend on a full-time basis and have either high academic records or expertise in a particular area.
Academic Scholarships
Presidential Scholarships, Deans’ Scholarships and all other achievement awards are awarded to new freshman and transfer students based on high academic records and full-time enrollment (a minimum of 12 credits per semester). Further requirements (i.e., GPA and renewal criteria) for each scholarship are specified in each student’s scholarship letter and may be accessed online at
Talent Awards
Technical Theatre, Performing Arts, Art, Music, Communications, Athletic Scholarships and Recognition Awards are awarded to students with expertise in a particular area. These scholarships are awarded to new, full-time students by the individual departments based on participation in the specified activity, GPA and academic standing. Further requirements for the continuation and renewal of these scholarships are specified in each student’s scholarship letter and may be accessed on-line at
Adelphi University Financial Grant
This grant is based on consideration of a student’s financial circumstances. Renewal criteria depend on continued financial need, GPA and standing related to disciplinary matters.
Adelphi University Full-Time and Part-Time Transfer Merit Award
The Adelphi University Transfer Merit Award is offered to new students who demonstrate high academic achievement. For transfers, initial criteria include a transfer GPA of at least 3.0 for full-time awards and 3.3 for part-time awards. Further requirements for these awards may be viewed at
Adelphi University Phi Theta Kappa Select Award
The Adelphi University Phi Theta Kappa Select Award for full-time students is offered to new transfer students who demonstrate high academic achievement and a commitment to service in the community. For new transfers, initial criteria include a transfer GPA of at least 3.3 and proof of Phi Theta Kappa membership. A student must file an admissions application and a separate Phi Theta Kappa Select application is required. Further requirements for these awards may be viewed at
Eagle Scout, Girl Scout Gold and Explorer Awards
These awards are offered to new, full-time students who demonstrate high academic achievement. The student will receive an academic award (Dean’s, Provost, Presidential, or Trustee) and in addition will be recognized for his/her achievement in Scouting. Further requirements for these awards may be viewed at
Tau Sigma Award
The Adelphi University Tau Sigma Award for full-time students is offered to current, full-time transfer students who have been a member of Tau Sigma for a minimum of one semester. These individuals must demonstrate continued high academic achievement and a commitment to service in the community and Tau Sigma. Initial criteria include an Adelphi University GPA of at least 3.5 and proof of Tau Sigma membership. Further requirements may be viewed at
Alumni Award
Children or grandchildren of Adelphi alumni are eligible to receive an Alumni Award up to $1,000. Be sure to indicate on your application if one parent or grandparent graduated from Adelphi University in order to receive the award. For further information, please contact Adelphi University Office of Student Financial Services at (516) 877-3080 and visit
Federal Programs
The University administers the federal programs listed below. Students apply for these programs through submission of the FAFSA, with additional income verification documentation if requested, and by observing the application deadlines. It should be noted that, while an applicant may indicate interest in a campus-based federal program, final responsibility for the determination of eligibility and amount of award rests with the University, and that selection may be guided by student need and the availability of funds. To remain eligible, students must continue to demonstrate financial need, be in good standing in academic and disciplinary matters and file the FAFSA each year by the prescribed filing date.
Federal Pell Grant
A federal program designed to provide financial assistance to those in need. The amount of the grant is determined on the basis of student and family income and assets, in accordance with strict government formulas.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
A federal grant program that provides supplemental grants to students who demonstrate higher financial need, are eligible Federal Pell Grant recipients and who meet the application deadlines.
Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program
This program provides employment for students demonstrating financial need. Most jobs are on campus. The maximum amount a recipient can earn is determined by financial need and availability of funds. Federal Work Study eligibility does not guarantee employment. For more federal grants information, visit
Federal Perkins Loan Program
This student loan program is subsidized by the federal government and is available to assist students in financing their education. The interest rate is 5% per year with repayment beginning nine months after a student leaves school or graduates. Repayment must be completed within a 10-year period.
Federal Nursing Loan
This program provides low interest loans to students enrolled in a nursing program. The interest rate is 5% per year with repayment beginning nine months after a student leaves school or graduates. Repayment must be completed within a 10-year period.
Federal Direct Stafford Loan
(This information is accurate as of the date of publication. Check our website at for the most current information regarding student loans, interest rates and repayment tables.) A Stafford Loan is a low-interest loan available to students enrolled in and actively attending a minimum of 6 credits per semester which are applicable to their current program of study. These loans are originated and guaranteed by the federal government. Depending on the need of the student as calculated by the Department of Education, these loans are either made on a subsidized basis, where the federal government pays the interest during the enrollment period, or an unsubsidized basis, where the student is responsible for such interest. Maximum loan amounts for dependent students are $3,500 plus an additional $2,000 in unsubsidized funds for freshmen, $4,500 plus an additional $2,000 in unsubsidized funds for sophomores, and $5,500 plus an additional $2,000 in unsubsidized funds for juniors and seniors. Maximum loan amounts for independent students are $7,500 for freshmen plus an additional $2,000 in unsubsidized funds, $8,500 plus an additional $2,000 in unsubsidized funds for sophomores, and $10,500 plus an additional $2,000 in unsubsidized funds for juniors and seniors. Effective July 1, 2013, the in-school interest rate is 3.86% for the Subsidized Federal Stafford Loan. The repayment interest rate is 3.86%. The interest rate on all unsubsidized Stafford Loans for undergraduate students is 3.86%. Repayment of these loans begins six months after the student ceases to be enrolled at least halftime.
Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)
A PLUS loan is available to parents of dependent children enrolled in and actively attending a minimum of 6 credits per semester which are applicable to their current program of study. A parent may borrow up to the cost of education, less any other financial assistance, each academic year. Credit worthiness is a factor in obtaining this loan. PLUS loans carry variable interest rates, set each June. The interest rate as of July 1, 2013, is 6.41%. Repayment of the loan begins within 60 days of when the loan is fully disbursed unless special deferment conditions apply. For the most current information on Federal loans, go to
Federal Title IV Refunds
In accordance with federal regulations, students who withdraw from the University and have Federal Title IV financial assistance that has been credited or could have been credited to their account, will be subject to both federal policy regarding possible return of Federal IV funds awarded, and Adelphi University’s policy regarding the possible return of institutional aid awarded. Furthermore, the amount of the refundable institutional charges (and/or possible reduction of outstanding balance) will be set by school policy.
Title IV funds, (Federal Direct Stafford Loans, Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students, Federal SEOG, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Pell Grant) are awarded to students based on the assumption that they will attend classes for the entire period for which aid is awarded. The return of federal aid is a mandated process by which a school calculates the amount of federal funds to be returned for a federally funded student who withdraws or ceases attendance during a period of enrollment. Calculations may result in a reduction of the student’s Title IV loan and grant aid to reflect the percentage of the period of enrollment that the student attended if the student attended 60 percent or less of the enrollment period. Based on these calculations, the school and or the student may be required to return “unearned” federal assistance.
Only the amount of the semester’s aid that has been earned (as a result of the prorated amount of the time the student has been in school for that semester) will be eligible to be retained for the student. Any aid that is not earned must be returned to its source and the amounts to be returned to federal programs will vary, based upon the type of program, the total amount to be returned, and the government’s determination of the order in which the aid is returned to the programs.
This formula is a federally mandated calculation. If a student account balance results from these adjustments, the student is responsible for payment to the university.
New York State Programs
Complete information regarding all scholarships and grant programs from New York State is available at
New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
This program offers aid to undergraduate students who are residents of New York State based on the income of parents and students. Application and renewal of TAP commences by completing the FAFSA. Students can go to to apply for TAP. Students generally must be full-time (12 or more credits per semester) to be eligible.
Aid for Part-time Study (APTS)
The APTS program provides grant assistance to New York State residents who are part-time undergraduate students. A completed APTS application must be filed with the Office of Student Financial Services by October 15 for the fall semester and by February 15 for the spring semester.
Other Assistance
Several lenders offer credit-based “alternative loans” for students who need to borrow above the Federal Stafford loan limits. For these alternative loans, students may borrow up to their total cost of education, less all other financial aid that they are receiving for the loan period. The features, eligibility and repayment requirements for these alternative loans vary depending on the program and lender. To find out more about them, contact the Office of Student Financial Services at 516.877.3080 or access our website at
Study Abroad Programs
The names of Adelphi students wishing to study abroad will be sent to the Office of Student Financial Services by Adelphi’s Center for International Education office no later than eight weeks prior to departure.
Please refer to this Bulletin’s “Study Abroad ” section under Support Services to obtain information about the process to be followed to receive academic approval to study at or through another university. All students must receive academic approval to study abroad prior to having Student Financial Services determine their eligibility for funding for such study.
Students will receive a revised Financial Assistance Award Letter after their eligibility has been confirmed. All financial aid will be applied first to charges incurred at Adelphi. If a credit balance is created by the application of financial aid, this credit will be refunded to the student to be used to pay for additional charges (such as housing and meals) incurred at the host school. Students are not guaranteed that their financial aid will cover all charges and may be required to pay some costs out-of-pocket.
The Provost Scholarship for Study Abroad has been developed to assist academically superior students who do not receive an Adelphi Scholarship to pay for study abroad programs. For further information, contact the Office of the Provost.
Endowed and Restricted Scholarships and Prizes
- The ATEP Associates Scholarship assists education majors with financial awards.
- The Adelphi Traveling Scholarship assists athletes with financial need.
- The Carol Ann Adleberg Scholarship is awarded each year to a full-time undergraduate student who is a member of the men’s lacrosse team. Preference will be given to a student who is a fine arts major.
- The Z. Paul Akian Scholarships are given to the outstanding junior male and junior female athlete as selected by the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics.
- The Panayotis Agelarakis Scholarship is awarded to students studying anthropology or environmental studies. Professor Anagnostis Agelarakis established the scholarship in memory of his father.
- Ruth S. Ammon Memorial Scholarships are awarded to undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Education. They were established in 2006 by trustee Carol A. Ammon ‘79 M.B.A. in memory of her mother, a member of the Class of 1942.
- The Art History Essay Prize is awarded by the Department of Art History.
- The Atlantic Bank Scholarship assists deserving students of Greek origin or parentage who are pursuing careers in banking and/or finance and who have financial need.
- The Axinn Poetry Prize and The Axinn Fiction Award are awarded by the Department of English.
- The Augusta Uhlich and Helen Baldwin Scholarships assist sophomores, juniors and seniors with strong academic records.
- The George E. Barlow Scholarship assists students with strong academic records.
- The Alexander Barnes Scholarship was established by family and friends of Alex Barnes to assist performing arts majors.
- The Barnes and Noble Endowed Scholarship is awarded to students in need.
- The Caroline Mathilde Behre Fund was established in 1911 by Mrs. A. Frederic Behre for female students of the Delta Gamma sorority.
- The Bethpage Federal Credit Union Endowed Scholarship is awarded to an entering freshman with high need; preference is given to students from Hempstead, Roosevelt, Central Islip, Bay Shore and Brentwood school districts.
- The Nicola and Maria Bologna Memorial Scholarship was established to support commuting undergraduate students who exhibit unrealized academic potential, determination, ability to succeed and financial need.
- The Edward A. Burke Physics Scholarship was established in the early 1980s for physics majors in memory of Adelphi Professor Edward A. Burke.
- The Peggy Ann Burleigh Memorial Scholarship in Nursing was established in 1947 by students in memory of their nursing classmate.
- The Allen Burns Award in American History was established in 1985 by Professor Robert Ernst. Awarded by the Department of History.
- The C.A.L.I.B.E.R. Jimal Niwatram Scholarship Award
- The Richard and Vivian Cahn Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 by Trustee Richard Cahn and his wife, Vivian.
- The Wesley D. Camp Memorial History Award is given by the Department of History.
- The Citibank Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate or a graduate business major.
- The Elinor N. Corwin Scholarship was created in 1984 and is awarded to a student in the School of Nursing.
- The Coston Crouse Abstainer Scholarship was created in 1990 in memory of Coston C. Crouse. The scholarship is awarded to students who abstain from substance use inclusive of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
- The Clara Bartlett Dean Scholarship in History, established in the early 1900s, was funded under the terms of the will of the former student. It is to be awarded to an outstanding junior majoring in history and recommended by the department chair.
- The Patricia Keane DeGeorge Memorial Scholarship was established in November 2002 by the Keane family in memory of Patricia Keane DeGeorge, Class of 1998. The award is given by the School of Nursing to one or more nontraditional undergraduate students with a grade-point average of 3.0 or above.
- The Agnes E. Demonde Scholarship was established in the early 1900s through a gift of Miss Agnes E. Demonde for upperclassmen.
- The Devlin/Ernst Scholarships, established by the families of Robert Devlin and Robert Ernst, two former professors of history, are awarded by the department to students majoring in history.
- The Patricia Dempsey Scholarship will be awarded each year to a full-time undergraduate student who is enrolled at Adelphi in pursuit of a teaching degree. The student will come from a high school within Nassau County, preferably Hicksville High School.
- The Elizabeth A. Doherty Memorial Scholarship is awarded by the School of Social Work. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, possess a talent for overcoming adversity and plan on entering the field of drug and alcohol addiction treatment.
- The Driscoll Family Scholarship, established in 2008 by University Trustee Michael Driscoll and his wife Melissa, is awarded once a year to a student in the Learning Disabilities program who has completed 30 credits. The scholarship is to be used toward the program fee.
- The John Eddy Memorial Fund was established for descendants of former Adelphi President Paul Dawson Eddy or for students with financial need.
- The Warren B. Eickelberg Prize is named in honor of the former Chair of the Department of Biology.
- The Evening Student Scholarship Fund was created in 1973 by the Evening Students’ Council at Adelphi to provide assistance to undergraduate part-time students of superior academic ability and financial need.
- The Fleet Bank Scholarship is awarded to graduate or undergraduate business students with a strong academic record. Awarded by Office of Student Financial Services.
- The Milton Frank Scholarship, established in 1993 in memory of Milton Frank, special assistant to the president and former ambassador to Nepal, is awarded to a student majoring in communications or English.
- The Ruth Woodroffe Gangel Memorial Scholarship was established in 2001 by Frank Gangel in memory of his wife, Ruth Woodroffe, a School of Nursing graduate, Class of 1947. The School of Nursing awards the scholarship to deserving students who exhibit financial need.
- The Charles Garelick Scholarship, in accordance with the wishes of Charles Garelick as stated in his will, is awarded to undergraduate students in the School of Nursing.
- The John W. Gibb Scholarship was created in 1915 from the estate of Mrs. Sarah M. Gibb to assist upperclassmen with outstanding academic records. Awarded by the Office of Student Financial Services.
- The Rita Gold Scholarship was established in 1988 by Rita Gold for University College students in financial need.
- The Golden Anniversary Fund, established in 1986, was funded by the Class of 1936 at their 50th reunion, to reward students of good academic standing.
- The Philip Goldstein Scholarship, established by Matthew Goldstein, former Adelphi President, assists math majors with good academic records.
- The Bernadette Gordon Lifetime of Service Award will be awarded to a student in the Secondary English Education program. The student must maintain a 3.5 GPA and demonstrate significant financial need and will be selected by the department chairperson and the Director of Student Financial Services.
- The Perrine Gordon Scholarship was created by friends and family in memory of Perrine Gordon, a secretary at the School of Nursing at Adelphi, to assist nursing students.
- The Elise Grace Scholarship, funded circa 1973, provides awards based on high academic standing to nursing majors.
- The Howard Grob Memorial Award, established in memory of the late professor of biology, is awarded by the Department of Biology.
- The Pearl Jolles Groothius Memorial Fund was established in 1957 by Irving Groothius in memory of his wife for voice/music majors.
- The Guiding Light Scholarship was established by the Guiding Light Foundation for junior or senior nursing students with financial need.
- The B. Loretta Gumper vomLehn Memorial Scholarship was established in 2002 by the children of the School of Nursing alumna B. Loretta Gumper, Class of 1967. The scholarship is awarded annually to one or more upperclassmen who demonstrate financial need and plan to enter the field of nursing upon graduation.
- The Gregory Peter Gutman Scholarship in Management Education was established in 2003 through a bequest from the late Professor Gutman, a distinguished faculty member in the School of Business. The management department selects a student with at least a 3.3 GPA and leadership qualities. Preference is given to a student majoring in marketing.
- The James L. Hathaway Memorial Nursing Scholarship was established by Mrs. Maria L. Pritchard, Class of 1922 and Mrs. Dorothy Hathaway, Class of 1927, in memory of their brother. The scholarship is awarded to undergraduate nursing students by the Office of Student Financial Services.
- The Carla Hernandez Memorial Award named in honor of a former student, is awarded by the School of Education.
- The Patricia B. Hochfelder Memorial Scholarship is awarded by the School of Social Work.
- The Juliette Hollenbach Memorial Scholarship was established in the early 1900s by a gift from the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority for upperclassmen of high academic standing.
- The W.G. Holloway Scholarship was established in 1977 for School of Nursing students with strong academic records.
- The Della Hudson Scholarship, established in 2001 by Adelphi students in the name of long-time administrator and student club adviser, Della Tomlin, is awarded to full-time undergraduates with special need who have a minimum 2.3 GPA.
- The IAPS Award is given by the Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies.
- The William J. Irwin Scholarship was established in 2007 by former swimmers of Coach Bill Irwin, Adelphi’s Swim Coach from 1966 to 1976. It will be awarded annually to a male or female, full-time undergraduate student-athlete who is a member of the swim team.
- The Jerry and Lucille Isenberg Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students with a strong GPA and financial need who submit an approved essay. Awarded by the Office of Student Financial Services.
- The Lillian Jackson Scholarship assists deserving music majors. Recipients are selected by the Department of Music.
- The Eileen M. Jacobi Leadership Award
- The Jamaica Real Estate Board Scholarship was established in 1977 by the Jamaica Real Estate Board Corporation to provide tuition assistance to worthy and needy students from Jamaica, New York.
- The Lotte Kaliski Foundation Grant since 1988 has provided annual assistance to gifted students who are physically handicapped or learning disabled.
- The Florence Kessler Scholarship assists students with strong academic records.
- The Kenneth Kirschenbaum ‘70 Award is presented to the graduating senior pre-law student with the highest GPA, LSAT score and law school tier value point. Recipient is selected by the pre-professional counselor.
- The Thomas S. Knight Endowed Prize in Philosophy
- The Karen T. Lacy Memorial Scholarship
- The Ronald B. Lee Family Scholarship was established in 2006 by Ronald B. Lee, Class of 1967, a former captain of the Adelphi track team. The director of athletics awards this scholarship to a student-athlete who is a member of the track team.
- The Sue Levering Social Justice Scholarship
- Established in 2011 by Adelphi University administrator and Professor of History, Les Baltimore in memory of his wife, Sue Dworkin Levering. This scholarship celebrates Sue Levering’s commitment to social justice. The scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate enrolled in the Levermore Global Scholars Program. The student must demonstrate financial need and commitment to social justice. The recipient is selected by the Director of the Levermore Global Scholars Program or his/her designee.
- The Dean Anthony F. Libertella Student Excellence Award established in 2008 by the faculty of the School of Business assists undergraduate students with outstanding character, scholastic achievement and potential business leadership.
- Richard Lodge Endowed Prize in Philosophy
- The Long Island Panhellenic Scholarship is awarded to female first-year students from Long Island, who demonstrate academic achievement, financial need and extra-curricular involvement.
- The Thomas and Richard Lovely Scholarship, established in 2005 by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dixon Lovely in the name of their sons, is awarded to Garden City High School seniors with superior accomplishments who will attend Adelphi University. Garden City High School selects the recipient.
- The Marion Berrian Mann Memorial Scholarship was established in 1985 by Mrs. Marion M. Roberts in memory of her mother to aid School of Nursing students with strong academic records.
- The Alfred R. Mascolo Biology Scholarship, funded by Dr. Raymond Mascolo, D.D.S. in memory of his father, is awarded each year by the Department of Biology.
- Eileen and Horace McDonell Scholarships, awarded annually to students pursuing degrees in physics, chemistry and biology were established in 2005 by former Trustee Horace G. McDonell, Jr., Class of 1952, and his wife, Eileen.
- The Evelyn F. McGarr Scholarship, awarded to full-time undergraduate English majors with 3.0 GPA and financial need, was established through the generosity of the family of the late Evelyn F. McGarr, Class of 1931.
- The John McGoldrick Memorial Scholarship, named in honor of the former Director of Adelphi Security, was established to assist part-time students, with preference given to students working in the criminal justice field.
- The Metropolitan Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association Scholarship, established in 2004 by the Alumnae Association of the former Metropolitan Hospital School of Nursing, is awarded by the School of Nursing to a registered nurse pursuing a baccalaureate or graduate degree.
- The Justina Eisenhauer Mickiewicz Memorial Scholarship is an endowed scholarship established in 1989 by family and friends in memory of Justina Eisenhauer Mickiewicz, a beloved School of Nursing faculty member and alumna.
- The Mooney Memorial Scholarship provides annual awards to sophomore language majors.
- The Samuel J. Moritz Memorial Scholarship assists piano students selected by the Department of Music chairperson.
- The Nassau Chapter Alumni Scholarship assists children of alumni residing in Nassau County.
- The W. Grafton Nealley Award for Excellence in Political Studies was established in 1973 to honor the memory of the founding faculty member of the Department of Political Science.
- The David Newton Scholarship was established to assist students in the University College or General Studies programs.
- The H. William Niebuhr Scholarship, established in 1995 by the family of H. William Niebuhr ‘85 M.S.W., is awarded to a student in the School of Social Work, based on financial need.
- The Omicron Pi Scholarship, established in 2008 by members of the fraternity which existed on campus from 1946 to 1974, assists students in need. Student is nominated by faculty.
- The Rita Paprin Memorial Scholarship, awarded to a graduate student in the School of Social Work who is studying social policy and social change, was established in 1981 by Maurice S. Paprin to commemorate the life and career of his late wife.
- The Herbert Pearlman Scholarship was established in 1982 for graduate/undergraduate students in the School of Business who demonstrate financial need.
- The MaryAnn Beaudry Pecora Award established in 2000 by James Beaudry to commemorate the life of his daughter, an Adelphi alumna and athlete. Awarded each year by the Department of Athletics.
- The Leon M. Pollack ‘63 Endowed Scholarship, awarded to undergraduate students, was established in 2005 by Trustee and alumnus Leon Pollack.
- The Melvin and Marian Prottas Entrepreneurship Award is an annual award given to a graduating undergraduate of the School of Business. Established by Professor David Prottas in 2008.The Melvin and Marian Prottas Scholarship established in 2007 by Professor David Prottas for MBA or MS/MBA students who are currently employed by healthcare organizations.
- The Lawrence Rasmussen Scholarship, named in honor of the former chairman of the Department of Music, assists voice and music majors. Recipients are selected by the department.
- The Reader’s Digest Foundation Scholarship has, since 1965, offered awards based on need and academic merit.
- The Redding-Goldsmith Memorial Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate seniors with strong academic records. It was established in 1978 for students who exemplify the ideals of Adelphi University: warmth, friendliness, concern for others and service.
- The Republic Aviation Fund provides awards to students residing in Nassau or Suffolk County and is based on financial need.
- The Roslyn Savings Foundation Scholarship was established in 2006. This endowed scholarship is awarded to students with financial need who plan to enter the nursing field.
- The Rudin Scholarships are funded annually by the Louis and Rachel Rudin Foundation, Inc., for nursing students in financial need.
- The Carol Sabino Scholarship, established by the colleagues and friends of Carol Sabino, alumna and a 37-year employee of Adelphi, is awarded to an outstanding University College student.
- The Estelle Schacter Grant-in-Aid Scholarship assists students with financial need. This scholarship was established in 1971 by Abraham Schacter in memory of his wife.
- The Joe Schmelzeis Endowed Scholarship, established in 2005 by long-time supporter Joe Schmelzeis, Class of 1955. This scholarship is awarded to commuter students with at least a 2.0 GPA, with preference given to those who are the first in their families to attend college and who otherwise may not qualify for traditional institutional aid.
- The Schott/Lipmanson Scholarships, established by Lilo and Gerard Leeds ‘62, are awarded to students in financial need.
- The Harvey Seelig Memorial Scholarship, established in 2001 by Ruth Seelig in memory of her late husband, is awarded to students in need who have high scholastic goals.
- The September 11th Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by Jonathan B. Kohan, chief of the Atlantic Beach Fire-Rescue in tribute to those in the fire service who gave their lives in the line of duty. The scholarship is awarded to a resident of Nassau or Suffolk County, New York, who is enrolled in Adelphi’s Emergency Management Graduate Certificate Program and who maintains a GPA of 3.0 or better.
- The Joseph Serio Research Award is awarded each year by the Department of Biology in memory of Dr. Joseph Serio, D.D.S.
- The Silver Anniversary Scholarship was established in 1986 by the Class of 1961 at their 25th reunion, to assist students in good academic standing.
- The Silverman Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate accounting majors with a good GPA, who demonstrate need and submit an essay approved by the donor.
- The Barbara Schiller Smalbach Endowed Scholarship, established in 1998 by David Smalbach in memory of his wife, Barbara Schiller, Class of 1977, is awarded to language majors of high academic standing and financial need.
- The Bertha J. Spiselman Prerau Scholarship Fund was established in 1966 by Sydney Prerau and augmented in 2006 by a generous bequest from his wife and alumna, Bertha Spiselman Prerau, Class of 1927.
- The Swift-Austin-Wheat Honors College Scholarship Endowments, established by Richard Garner, the founding dean of the Honors College. Scholarships are awarded to students enrolled in the Honors College.
- The Edna F. Tobias Memorial Scholarship, in memory of the mother of a former trustee, Mr. C. Ellsworth Tobias, provides undergraduate assistance to students demonstrating financial need.
- The Dr. Dorothy M. Torpey Endowed Scholarship was established through a bequest from Dorothy M. Torpey, Class of 1940. The scholarship provides full tuition to a student with financial need who is preparing to become a teacher.
- The Max R. Traurig Scholarship, established in 1979, is awarded to graduates of the University who have been accepted to an accredited law school.
- The Douglas Vogel Memorial Scholarship, established in 1966 by Mrs. Cecile Ruth Vogel in memory of her nephew, Douglas, Class of 1965, is awarded to male students who demonstrate financial need.
- The John A. Weisz Family Scholarship, established in 2005 by the late John Weisz and his wife Barbara, graduate of the Class of 1966, is awarded to those in financial need who submit a required essay.
- The Hayden W. Wheeler Fund was established in 1915 by the wife of a longtime trustee and treasurer of Adelphi to provide funds to needy upperclassmen.
- The Julian Wilder Memorial Scholarship, established in 2002 by the widow of Julian Wilder, a long-time professor in Adelphi’s School of Education, is awarded to an upperclassman majoring in education.
- The Hugh A. Wilson Awards were established by the former professor of political science and are awarded to worthy students in various fields.
- The Margaret Winslow Scholarship assists deserving students.
- Women’s Club of Garden City Scholarship Prize is awarded to students in the School of Nursing.
Student Budgets
These estimates of Adelphi’s average undergraduate student budgets for 2014–2015 are based on the costs of living at a modest level over a nine-month period (September–May). (We strongly recommend that students confer with an Adelphi Student Financial Services counselor to determine additional costs they may be required to pay out-of-pocket.)
The most current information regarding cost of attendance budgets may be found on our website at
Cost of Attendance Budgets
Resident |
Commuter |
Tuition and Fees |
$32,340 |
$32,340 |
Books |
$ 1,400 |
$1,400 |
Room and Board |
$12,900 |
$1,600 |
Transportation |
$1,380 |
$3,900 |
Personal Expenses |
$ 1,200 |
$1,800 |
Total: |
$49,220 |
$41,040 |
NOTE: Charges may be subject to change. Tuition and fees may vary depending on major and special laboratory fees.
Graduate-Specific Expenses and Financial Aid
Full-time students (12 or more credits) |
Per Semester |
Annual |
Communicative Disorders tuition and fees (students beginning Fall 2015, full time only) |
$16,900 (per term for 5 terms, plus a $500 non-refundable program deposit) |
Communicative Disorders tuition and fees (students beginning Fall 2016, full time only) |
$17,750 (per term for 5 terms, plus a $500 non-refundable program deposit) |
Education STEP Program tuition and fees |
$ 19,780 |
$39,560 |
IAPS (Doctoral) |
$ 22,735 |
$45,470 |
Social Work tuition and fees |
$ 18,305 |
$36,610 |
All Other Programs and Part-time students (1-11 credits) |
Arts & Sciences, Business, Nursing and IAPS (Masters) per-credit hour |
$ 1,165 |
Audiology Consortium Program per-credit hour |
$ 1,290 |
Education per credit hour |
$ 1,220 |
IAPS per credit hour |
$ 1,290 |
Derner IAPS Postgraduate Program (per semester) |
$ 2,630 |
Emergency Management, M.S. (online) |
$ 945 |
Nutrition (online) |
$ 945 |
Healthcare Informatics, M.S. (online) |
$ 880 |
Sports Management (online) |
$ 880 |
Nursing PhD program per credit hour |
$ 1,290 |
Social Work M.S.W. per credit hour |
$ 1,090 |
Social Work PhD program per credit hour |
$ 1,290 |
University and Technology Fees |
1-6 credits |
$ 390 |
$ 780 |
7-11 credits |
$ 445 |
$ 890 |
12 or more credits |
$ 660 |
$ 1,320 |
The following tuition rates apply only to graduate students registered at the Adelphi Manhattan Center: |
Education per credit hour |
$ 875 |
Social Work ***per credit hour |
$ 1,040 |
The following tuition rate applies only to graduate students registered at the Adelphi Hudson Valley/Hauppauge Center: |
Social Work ***per credit hour |
$ 1,040 |
University and Technology Fees |
1-11 credits |
$ 310 |
12 or more credits |
$ 460 |
*** Social Work students taking required courses at the Garden City campus which are not offered in Manhattan/Hudson Valley/Hauppauge will be charged the Manhattan/Hudson Valley/Haupauge Center tuition rate. Those who elect to take additional Garden City courses will be governed by the Garden City tuition and fee rates. |
*Check for updated information.
University Fees
University Fees cover the use of all academic and recreational facilities and services including the library, the Center for Recreation and Sports, the Health Service Center, counseling and career services, and provides for security, including shuttle transportation services and accident insurance for all students. The technology fee is used to maintain a wireless campus, provide web and eCampus services, allow students access to hundreds of PC’s and Macs across campus, as well as the latest smart technology in classrooms. |
Graduate Other Fees and Charges
Application Fee |
Graduate |
$50 |
Continuous Matriculation Fee |
$125 |
Continuous Matriculation Fee with Advisement (SWK) |
$3,270 |
Graduate Student Council Fee |
$15 |
Criminal Background Check (where required) |
$100 |
Deposits |
Room and Board |
$300 |
Employer Deferment Fee |
$75 |
Graduate Reapplication/Late Filing Fee |
$25 |
Late Registration Fee |
Graduate |
$55 |
Registration Fee (non-refundable) |
$125 |
Registration Reinstatement Fee |
$150 |
Withdrawal Fee |
$125 |
Transcripts Fee (per copy) |
$12 |
Two Payment Plan |
$60 |
Uncollected Check (returned by bank) |
$25 |
Music Private Instruction (per semester) |
$1,095 |
Music Private Instruction (summer) |
$315 |
Social Work Graduate Activity Fee (10 or more credits) |
$20 |
Social Work Graduate Activity Fee (fewer than 10 credits) |
$15 |
Students who are converting undergraduate credit to graduate credit will pay the current graduate tuition rate at the time of conversion less the original amount paid. There is no deferred payment plan. There are no refunds.
Graduate Financial Assistance
In addition to the information presented below, please see the Financial Assistance section at the beginning of this chapter for policy and assistance information that applies to both undergraduate and graduate students.
Financial Assistance Programs
Adelphi University Scholarships
Adelphi University offers limited scholarship opportunities to graduate students pursuing graduate degrees in Business, Social Work, Education and Nursing. Contact the schools directly for more information.
Institutional scholarships and grants are applicable to tuition and, in some cases, university fees. The University reserves the right to adjust the financial assistance previously awarded when these awards, in combination with other sources of assistance, exceed the cost of tuition and fees. Awards include, but are not limited to, VA educational benefits, external awards, state scholarships and grants from all sources.
Federal Direct Stafford Loan
A Stafford Loan is a low-interest loan available to students enrolled in and actively attending a minimum of 6 credits per semester. These loans are originated and guaranteed by the federal government. Effective July 1, 2012, all graduate Stafford Loans will be unsubsidized (the federal government will not pay the interest while the student is enrolled.)
Students are encouraged to borrow Stafford Loans before accessing other sources of loans as they generally have the best terms and interest rates.
Graduate PLUS Loan
Graduate PLUS loans are available to graduate students who feel they need to borrow additional funding above their Stafford Loan amounts. Applicants of graduate PLUS loans must file the FAFSA and meet all federal eligibility criteria. Credit worthiness is a factor in receiving these unsubsidized loans. The current interest rate is 6.41%. Applicants may borrow up to the cost of attendance less other financial aid, including awarded Direct Stafford loan amounts. For further information, contact the Office of Student Financial Services at 516.877.3080 or check our website at for the most current information regarding student loans, interest rates and repayment tables.
Adelphi Graduate Assistantships
A limited number of graduate assistantships are available to qualified graduate students.
Assistantships are awarded at the discretion of the department. They may be awarded based on academic merit and some may take financial need into consideration.
Students receiving such appointments are required to devote a specified number of hours each week during the academic year to assist in teaching, research, or other technical services, as assigned by their department. In return for such services, the student is granted a remission of tuition. In addition, some assistantships offer stipends.
Contact your graduate school/department to obtain applications and specific eligibility requirements.
Federal Work Study Program (FWS)
This program provides employment for students demonstrating financial need. Jobs are generally on campus. The maximum amount a recipient can earn is determined by financial need and availability of funds.
Federal Title IV Refunds
In accordance with federal regulations, students who withdraw from the University and have Federal Title IV financial assistance that has been credited or could have been credited to their account, will be subject to both federal policy regarding possible return of Federal IV funds awarded, and Adelphi University’s policy regarding the possible return of institutional aid awarded. Furthermore, the amount of the refundable institutional charges (and/or possible reduction of outstanding balance) will be set by school policy.
Title IV funds, (Federal Direct Stafford Loans, Federal Direct PLUS for Graduate Students, or Federal Perkins Loan) are awarded to students based on the assumption that they will attend classes for the entire period for which aid is awarded. The return of federal aid is a federally mandated process by which a school calculates the amount of federal funds to be returned for a federally funded student who withdraws or ceases attendance during a period of enrollment. Calculations may result in a reduction of the student’s Title IV loan aid to reflect the percentage of the period of enrollment that the student attended, if the student attended 60 percent or less of the enrollment period. Based on these calculations, the school and/or the student may be required to return “unearned” federal assistance.
Only the amount of the semester’s aid that has been earned (as a result of the prorated amount of the time the student has been in school for that semester) will be eligible to be retained for the student. Any aid that is not earned must be returned to its source and the amounts to be returned to federal programs will vary, based upon the type of program, the total amount to be returned and the government’s determination of the order in which the aid is returned to the programs.
This formula is a federally mandated calculation. If a student account balance results from these adjustments, the student is responsible for payment to the university.
New York State Aid Programs
A detailed listing of state-sponsored scholarships is available at, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) website.
Other Assistance
Several lenders offer credit-based “alternative loans” for students who need to borrow above the Federal Stafford loan limits. For these alternative loans, students may borrow up to their total cost of education less all other financial aid that they are receiving for the loan period. The features, eligibility and repayment requirements for these alternative loans vary depending on the program and lender. To find out more about them, contact the Office of Student Financial Services at 516.877.3080 or access our website at