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Mission StatementThe mission of the Adelphi University College of Nursing and Public Health is to advance the art and science of nursing and public health, and to promote scholarship in nursing and public health. Through research, education, and practice, students and faculty seek to enhance the quality of life for all people. PhilosophyNursing is both an art and a science, built on a foundation of knowledge, theory and research. Nursing makes unique and distinct contributions to the health care system and to society as a whole. The goal of nursing care is to address human needs across the lifespan and promote, protect, maintain, and restore health and human dignity. Nurses act as compassionate providers of care, managers, leaders, educators, researchers, consultants, advocates, and collaborators. The faculty of the Adelphi University College of Nursing and Public Health believe that nursing education provides the foundation that will guide future nursing practice. Education at all levels, baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral, is oriented toward preparing students to participate fully in the health care system, and in the care of patients, families, communities and aggregate populations. As nurses, we strive to promote wellness and eliminate disparities within the context of increasing globalization of health care. As a faculty, we believe in a student-faculty partnership, with each assuming responsibility to meet these components of nursing education: scholarship; dissemination of knowledge; utilization and evaluation of evidence-based practices and technological advances, collaboration, and a commitment to quality and core values. Core ValuesThe faculty, staff, and students of the Adelphi University College of Nursing and Public Health embrace and aspire to exemplify the following core values in all aspects of our education and professional work: IntegrityTo maintain the highest moral and professional standards in all areas, characterized by:
ExcellenceTo promote and maintain a commitment to the highest standards in:
RespectTo promote and maintain a culture of mutual respect, including:
AccountabilityTo accept responsibility for individual actions or inactions by reflective practice:
DiversityTo embrace the diversity of our society and develop a global perspective:
The College holds membership in the Council of Baccalaureate and Higher Degree programs of the National League for Nursing, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, and the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties. Additional Information for ALL Nursing StudentsHealth Regulations for Nursing MajorsAll students are required to meet the health regulations for students established by the College of Nursing and Public Health. Annual physical examinations, including tuberculin testing, appropriate laboratory tests, and designated immunizations, are required of all nursing students. The cost of healthcare is the responsibility of the student. Health forms are available online at the Health Services Web site: Prior to registration for courses, all students are required to submit evidence of the following:
All Medical Paperwork must be submitted to Health Services in Waldo Hall. A copy of the front and back of the CPR card must be submitted to the Office of Clinical and Community Affairs. After Medical Paperwork and the CPR card has been submitted to the appropriate places, students must then print out a Nursing Health Clearance from C.L.A.S.S. for the appropriate semester and submit it to the Office of Clinical and Community Affairs to be signed and stamped. Students must submit a Nursing Health Clearance for every semester they are registered for clinical courses. The student must pick up the signed and stamped copy of their Nursing Health Clearances and make copies to present to each clinical instructor on the first day of clinical. Failure to submit accordingly will result in suspension from clinical participation. These requirements are reviewed on an annual basis and may be changed at any time. Individual clinical agencies may require additional examinations or reports. These may incur additional costs and are the responsibility of the student. This information is also outlined under the Clinical Clearance Participation Policy in the College of Nursing and Public Health Student Handbook. TravelTravel expenses and transportation related to clinical experiences are the responsibility of the student. Most clinical experiences require automobile travel. Students cannot be guaranteed clinical experiences adjacent to train or public transportation. College of Nursing and Public HealthResource CenterThe College of Nursing and Public Health Resource Center includes five learning laboratories and two computer laboratories. This includes a seminar room with demonstration bed and a small auxiliary laboratory for physical assessment skills. The skills laboratory simulates the hospital setting with all appropriate and supportive supplies and equipment. These include advanced patient care mannequins and simulators, injecta-pads, intravenous training arms, ostomy models, and many other innovative educational devices. In addition to regularly scheduled classes held in the nursing laboratory, open laboratory skills sessions are held regularly, thus providing all students with an opportunity for reinforcement of clinical learning. Two rooms are designed to conduct high fidelity simulation. College of Nursing and Public Health OrganizationsThe Student Nurses Acting for Progress (SNAP) is an organization composed of all interested students in the College of Nursing and Public Health. It was formed to bring constituents together to consider and discuss problems, issues, and concerns affecting the members of the College of Nursing and Public Health. The organization stimulates interest and involvement in professional and social issues and provides an environment conducive for informal socialization among its members. Honors in NursingSigma Theta Tau International, Inc.
Junior and senior students who have achieved a 3.0 GPA on the undergraduate level may be considered for membership. Graduate students who have achieved a GPA of 3.5 at the graduate level and who have successfully completed one-quarter of the graduate program may be considered for membership. Adelphi College of Nursing and Public Health HonorsTo be eligible for College of Nursing and Public Health honors, a student must have completed 33 credits in nursing at Adelphi and have achieved a GPA 3.5 in the nursing major and a 3.5 GPA overall. Undergraduate InformationEducational StrategyBaccalaureate education in nursing is the foundation for professional practice. The goal of nursing is to address human needs for the promotion, restoration, and maintenance of health, as well as the provision of dignity at the end of life. Human beings-individually and as members of families, groups, and communities-are the focus of the profession. In keeping with these principles, the College of Nursing and Public Health teaches the fundamental value of all people and their potential for being and becoming throughout their lives. Nursing students at Adelphi learn to be accountable to clients, society, and the profession for the quality of care they provide. They also learn that health-related behavior is an individual choice and that health is individually and culturally defined. Respect for self-determination and awareness of cultural diversity are integral to the curriculum. Undergraduate Programs of StudyB.S. in Nursing The baccalaureate program in nursing provides the foundation for entry as a generalist into the profession and for graduate education. The College of Nursing’s baccalaureate program offers two curricula. The basic curriculum leads to a Bachelor of Science from the University and eligibility to take the national licensing examination (NCLEX) to become a Registered Professional Nurse. The other curriculum track is for registered nurses from associate degree or diploma programs who wish to continue their education toward the goal of earning the Bachelor of Science degree. The baccalaureate curricula of the College of Nursing and Public Health are registered by the New York State Education Department, Division of Professional Education. The baccalaureate nursing program is also accredited by the Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 530, Washington, D.C. 20036-1120, (202) 887-6791. The College holds membership in the Council of Baccalaureate and Higher Degree Programs in the National League for Nursing, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. AdmissionsSee Bulletin for general undergraduate admissions procedures . Expenses and Financial AidSee the Expenses and Financial Aid section of the Bulletin section for information. Transfer CreditsThe Office of University Admissions, in collaboration with the College of Nursing and Public Health, will evaluate transfer credits. Students who have received an A.S. degree (but not an A.A.S. degree) from an accredited institution prior to their transfer to Adelphi are exempt from all General Education requirements. Textbook, Uniform, and Study Guide ExpensesStudents can expect to spend between $300 and $500 per semester for the purchase of textbooks. In addition, beginning in the student’s sophomore year in the nursing program, students can expect to spend between $200 and $400 for laboratory and clinical equipment and uniforms, and approximately $400 for a personal digital assistant, which will substitute for some textbooks. The College of Nursing and Public Health has an official student uniform. Students must purchase a sufficient number of uniforms to present a professional appearance in clinical settings. Uniforms cost approximately $250 and are ordered from our provider online and delivered to you. Clinical agencies may have additional specific requirements that incur additional costs for students. Clinical ExperiencesClinical experiences are a critical part of the nursing curriculum. Students cannot be assured of a particular site, day, or time for these experiences. All students must complete all clinical hours. Those students who are unable to do so may incur additional time and/or costs to complete requirements. These additional costs are the sole responsibility of the student. These arrangements are made, if necessary, through the office of the Associate Dean and the Director of the Undergraduate Program. Because of the clinical experiences, the College of Nursing and Public Health has additional requirements separate from university requirements such as health clearances and drug calculation examinations that must be completed prior to the beginning of the semester. Standard of Performance Required for Continuance in the College of Nursing and Public Health
Independent StudyStudents in the College of Nursing and Public Health may take up to a total of 9 credits of individualized study toward the baccalaureate degree. Graduate InformationEducational StrategyThe emphasis of graduate education is on the development of scholarly critical thinkers with the ability to translate knowledge into practice. Through the process of critical inquiry, students learn to understand the nature of complex human and environmental systems and to develop strategies for effective intervention. Research concepts and skills are subsets of critical inquiry and are considered integral to the roles of nurse practitioner, nursing administrator, nurse educator and the emergency-disaster nurse manager. The master’s curriculum is designed to provide the knowledge base and experience needed to evaluate research designs and methodologies and utilize research findings. Members of the faculty assume that each student has the potential to be self-directed and the curriculum is structured to maximize student independence, personal development, professional accountability, and continuous learning. Doctoral Admission RequirementsPlease Note: The deadline for receipt of all application materials is February 15 to be considered for the following fall semester. To be considered for admission to the doctoral program in nursing, applicants must:
Admission requirements are not weighted. All requirements must be fulfilled and the applicant’s dossier complete before interviews are scheduled with faculty members. Following interviews, the admission committee determines each applicant’s admission to the program. Financial aid for tuition is available in the form of the new Federal Faculty Loan Program and Graduate Assistantships. Additional Information for Graduate Students in the College of Nursing and Public HealthAdvanced StandingThe transfer of credits earned at another institution is allowed only for comparable graduate courses completed with a grade of B or higher within five years preceding the date of entrance to the Adelphi University College of Nursing and Public Health. Evaluation of advanced standing is made by the College of Nursing and Public Health. A maximum of 6 graduate credits may be accepted as transfer credits applicable toward the M.S. degree. MatriculationStudents are considered to be matriculated when they have been accepted into the program as a degree student and are enrolled in at least one course. Students in the master’s program have five years from the date of first enrollment to complete their requirements. Textbook and Study Guide ExpensesStudents can expect to spend between $200 and $300 per semester for the purchase of textbooks and the College of Nursing and Public Health Study Guides. Textbooks are also available at the Reserve Desk in the Swirbul Library. Leave of Absence/Continuous MatriculationStudents must enroll in “continuous matriculation” if they decide not to take courses for a semester. Students may also apply for a Leave of Absence in some circumstances. The College of Nursing and Public Health Student Handbook outlines both procedures and student responsibilities. GPA Required for GraduationA minimum GPA of 3.0 is required for all graduate students for graduation. The doctoral program in Social Work requires a minimum GPA of 3.3 for graduation. Grading SystemCourses completed with a grade of A or B are automatically applied toward degree requirements when the course in question is applicable towards such requirements. The minimally acceptable grade in all required courses is B-. For further information on the University grading system, and on Withdrawals (W’s) and Incompletes (I’s), see the section titled “Grading System” in this Bulletin. Students in the graduate program in nursing must maintain a GPA of 3.0 in order to progress. The College of Nursing and Public Health Student Handbook outlines policies for failing grades and GPAs earned that are below a 3.0. Financial AidThe Office of Student Financial Services provides students with information on a variety of scholarships and loans. See the Expenses and Financial Aid section of this Bulletin for more information. Master’s Degree Admission RequirementsAdmission is for fall semester each year. Unless otherwise indicated, the following are required for admission into all programs of study at the master’s level:
Clinical Experience Requirement for all graduate programs: Requirements for the Post-Master’s Certificate Programs: Please see the College of Nursing and Public Health Student Handbook for all other policies related to admission, and for progression and graduation policies. The faculty reserves the right to require additional supporting data or prerequisites from applicants to all programs. Programs of Study
ProgramsMinor Nursing: UndergraduateGo to information for this department.ProgramsBachelor of Science
Nursing: GraduateGo to information for this department.ProgramsMaster of Science
Doctor of Philosophy Advanced Certificate Public Health: GraduateGo to information for this department.ProgramsMaster of Public Health Nutrition: GraduateGo to information for this department.ProgramsMaster of Science Healthcare Informatics: GraduateProgramsMaster of Science Advanced Certificate
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