2015-16 University Bulletin 
    Sep 24, 2024  
2015-16 University Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

  • GER (0130) 302 - Emergence of Germany I

    Credits: 3

    This course traces intellectual, artistic, political and social history of France; the instructor emphasizes how aspects of the nation’s past have contributed to the formation of modern France. This course concerns the first half of the modern period, using literary texts as a point of departure.

    Prerequisite 1: GER 231 
  • GER (0130) 303 - Emergence of Germany II

    Credits: 3

    This course traces intellectual, artistic, political and social history of France; the instructor emphasizes how aspects of the nation’s past have contributed to the formation of modern France. This course concerns the second half of the modern period, using literary texts as a point of departure.

    Prerequisite 1: GER 231 
  • GER (0130) 310 - Stragies in German Oral Communications

    Credits: 3

    Students develop competence in a variety of informal and formal modes of oral expression, including group interaction, dramatic playacting, debating, declaiming, etc., with emphasis on appropriate pronunciation and vocabulary. Students are exposed to phonetics and are required to work in the language laboratory.

    Free Note: At Least 12 credits in German Required

  • GER (0130) 344 - Translation Techniques

    Credits: 3

    Students review the idiomatic expressions, cognates (true and false) and common usage that give language its unique character. They practice translating, from English into French and from French into English, a wide variety of formal and informal texts.

  • GER (0130) 360 - Special Topics

    Credits: 3

  • GER (0130) 396 - Study Abroad

    Credits: 1 to 12

  • GER (0130) 400 - German Elective

    Credits: 1 to 6

  • GER (0130) 402 - Writers-Storm and Stress

    Credits: 3

  • GER (0130) 403 - German Drama 19th Cent

    Credits: 3

  • GER (0130) 404 - Novelle&Lyric Poetry 19c

    Credits: 3

  • GER (0130) 405 - Goethes Faust One&Two

    Credits: 3

  • GER (0130) 406 - Modern German Literature

    Credits: 3

  • GER (0130) 408 - German Lyric

    Credits: 3

  • GER (0130) 409 - Modern Ger Novel&Novelle

    Credits: 3

  • GER (0130) 410 - Modern German Drama

    Credits: 3

  • GER (0130) 411 - German Classicism

    Credits: 3

  • GER (0130) 412 - German Romantism

    Credits: 3

  • GER (0130) 490 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1 to 6

    Advanced students who have demonstrated an ability to work independently and effectively, under minimal supervision, explore a selected cultural, linguistic or literary topic and prepare a final project acceptable to the instructor.

  • GER (0130) 491 - Directed Readings

    Credits: 1 to 6

  • GER (0130) 496 - Study Abroad

    Credits: 1 to 12

  • GER (0130) 601 - Readings In German

  • GER (0130) 690 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1 to 6

  • GNA (0133) 100 - World of Ideas I

    Credits: 4

    An introduction to the seminal ideas of modern culture. By reading philosophical, historical, and literary texts, students will develop a more complete understanding of the way that ideas affect their lives.

    Gen Ed Learning Goal 1 SOCIAL SCIENCE Distribution Requirement Social Sciences

    When Offered: Fall

  • GNA (0133) 101 - World of Ideas II

    Credits: 4

    Study seminal ideas of modern culture: By reading philosophical, historical, and literary texts, students will develop a more complete understanding of the way that ideas affect their lives.

    Gen Ed Learning Goal 1 SOCIAL SCIENCE

    When Offered: Spring

  • GNA (0133) 102 - Critical Reading and Writing

    Credits: 3

    An elucidation of the main principles in reading and writing strategies, preparatory to the completion of a major research project in the second semester.

    When Offered: Fall

  • GNA (0133) 103 - Expository Writing and Research

    Credits: 3

    Engages students in consideration of and writing about specific themes, culminating in a research paper. Presents recommendations and approaches for writing, contemporary styles of citation, and academic norms for the assessing and compiling of sources.

    Gen Ed Learning Goal 1 COMMUNICATION WRITING

    When Offered: Spring

  • GNA (0133) 104 - Western Civilization I

    Credits: 3

    Explores the meanings of history, concentrating on Western Civilization from its origins through the Renaissance. Pays special attention to the interplay of individuals and communities, including the functions of class, culture, ideology, and politics.

    Gen Ed Learning Goal 1 GLOBAL AWARENESS/CIVIC ENGAGE Distribution Requirement Humanities and Languages

    When Offered: Fall

  • GNA (0133) 105 - Western Civilization II

    Credits: 3

    Continues the examination of Western Civilization from the Reformation to the modern era.

    Gen Ed Learning Goal 1 GLOBAL AWARENESS/CIVIC ENGAGE Distribution Requirement Humanities and Languages

    When Offered: Spring

  • GNA (0133) 107 - Problem Solving Across The Curriculum

    Credits: 3

    A study of the application of mathematics to the solution of contemporary problems. Includes material in logic, graph theory, modular arithmetic, difference equations, and statistics.

    Gen Ed Learning Goal 1 QUANTITATIVE REASONING Distribution Requirement Formal Sciences

    When Offered: Fall,Spring

  • GNH (0624) 101 - Introduction To Art

    Credits: 3

  • GNH (0624) 102 - Introduction To Music

    Credits: 3

  • GNH (0624) 103 - Intro To Performing Arts

    Credits: 3

  • GNH (0624) 201 - Major Issues/Philosophy

    Credits: 3

  • GNH (0624) 202 - Humanities Seminar

    Credits: 3

  • GNS (0619) 5 - Writing Workshop

    Credits: 3


  • GNS (0619) 101 - Communctns/Critical Thinking

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to college-level writing. Through close textual analysis students will develop college-level writing skills by progressing from simple text-dependent papers to more sophisticated thematic essays. Emphasis is placed on the writing of clear, organized, and well-developed essays that employ a variety of rhetorical techniques.

  • GNS (0619) 200 - Able Natrl Sci Elective

    Credits: 4

  • GNS (0619) 201 - Understanding and Analysis: Technology and Society

    Credits: 3

  • GNS (0619) 202 - Understanding and Analysis: Thru The Prism of Language

    Credits: 3

  • GNS (0619) 203 - Understanding and Analysis: Media

    Credits: 3

  • GNS (0619) 204 - Understanding and Analysis: The Difference Engine

    Credits: 3

  • GNS (0619) 211 - Modes And Versions: Literary Versions of Warfare

    Credits: 3

  • GNS (0619) 212 - Structure of Narrative

    Credits: 3

  • GNS (0619) 400 - Able Natrl Sci Elective

    Credits: 4

  • GRK (0131) 111 - Level I Greek

    Credits: 3

    Students learn through a communicative/participatory approach to the basic elements of the language, including listening, speaking, reading, writing and culture.


    When Offered: Fall

  • GRK (0131) 112 - Level II Greek

    Credits: 3

    Students continue work begun in Level I with an emphasis on the more advanced functions of the Language through a communicative/participatory approach and further development of cultural awareness.


    When Offered: Spring

    Prerequisite 1: GRK 111  
    Free Note: Students who fail to receive a C- or higher in Level I cannot continue to Level I I

  • GRK (0131) 121 - Level III Greek

    Credits: 3

    Students continue to practice what they learned in Level II and focus on more advanced characteristics of the language and culture through a communicative/participatory approach.


    When Offered: Fall

    Prerequisite 1: GRK 112 
  • GRK (0131) 122 - Level IV Greek

    Credits: 3

    Students continue to practice listening, speaking, reading, writing and learning about culture and are introduced to literary selections. (Learning Goals:G,CO) ,,


    When Offered: Spring

    Prerequisite 1: GRK 121 
  • GRK (0131) 131 - Intro Greek Literature

    Credits: 3

  • GRK (0131) 200 - Greek Elective

    Credits: 1 to 6

  • GRK (0131) 296 - Study Abroad

    Credits: 1 to 6

  • GRK (0131) 390 - Special Topics in Greek

    Credits: 3

    Examine the way of life of Greek people to understand their value systems and to achieve cross-cultural communication. Use a variety of sources to help identify cultural patterns intrinsic to Greek society.

    When Offered: Fall

    Prerequisite 1: GRK 122 
    Free Note: GRK 122  or equivalent

  • GRK (0131) 396 - Study Abroad

    Credits: 1 to 12

  • GRK (0131) 400 - Greek Elective

    Credits: 1 to 6

  • GRK (0131) 490 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1 to 6

    When Offered: Fall,Spring

  • GRK (0131) 496 - Study Abroad

    Credits: 1 to 12

  • GSE (0620) 100 - Communications and Critical Thinking

    Credits: 3

  • GSE (0620) 103 - Intro To Literature

    Credits: 3

  • GSH (0621) 100 - Origins of The Modern Condition I-American

    Credits: 3

  • GSH (0621) 101 - Origins of The Modern Condition I-European

    Credits: 3

  • GSH (0621) 102 - Origins of The Modern Condition II - American

    Credits: 3

  • GSH (0621) 103 - Origins of The Modern Condition II - European

    Credits: 3

  • GSM (0625) 1 - Mathematics Workshop

    Credits: 0


  • GSM (0625) 101 - Intro To College Math

    Credits: 3

  • GSM (0625) 201 - Intro To Computers

    Credits: 3

  • GSM (0625) 202 - Science in The Modrn Wrld

    Credits: 3

  • GSS (0623) 101 - Society and The Individual I Sociology

    Credits: 3

  • GSS (0623) 103 - Society&The Individual III Anthropology

    Credits: 3

  • GSS (0623) 104 - Introduction To American Political Systems

    Credits: 3

  • GSS (0623) 201 - Society&The Individual III Politics

    Credits: 3

  • GSS (0623) 202 - Social Sciences Seminar

    Credits: 3

  • GSS (0623) 290 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1 to 3

  • HEB (0132) 111 - Level I Hebrew

    Credits: 3

    Students learn through a communicative / participatory approach to the basic elements of the language, including listening, speaking, reading, writing and culture. (Learning Goals:G)


    When Offered: Fall

  • HEB (0132) 112 - Level II Hebrew

    Credits: 3

    Students learn through a communicative/participatory approach to the basic elements of the language, including listening, speaking, reading, writing and culture. (Learning Goals:G) ,,


    When Offered: Spring

    Prerequisite 1: HEB 111 
    Free Note: Students who fail to receive a C- or better in Level 1, cannot continue to next level, Level II

  • HEB (0132) 121 - Level III Hebrew

    Credits: 3

    Students continue to practice what they learned in Level II and focus on more advanced characteristics of the language and culture through a communicative/participatory approach. (Learning Goals:CO,G) ,,


    When Offered: Fall

    Prerequisite 1: HEB 112 
    Free Note: Students who failed to receive a C- in Level II,cannot continue to the next level, Level III

  • HEB (0132) 122 - Level IV Hebrew

    Credits: 3

    Students continue to practice listening, speaking, reading, writing and learning about culture and are introduced to literary selections. (Learning Goals:G,CO) ,,


    When Offered: Spring

    Prerequisite 1: HEB 121 
    Free Note: Students who fail to receive a C- or higher in Level I I I cannot continue to the next level,Level IV

  • HEB (0132) 196 - Study Abroad

    Credits: 1.00 to 12.00

  • HEB (0132) 200 - Hebrew Elective

    Credits: 1.00 to 6.00

  • HEB (0132) 241 - Hebrew Conversation

    Credits: 3

  • HEB (0132) 273 - Masterpieces of Hebrew Literature

    Credits: 3

  • HEB (0132) 279 - Special Topics

    Credits: 3

    When Offered: Fall

  • HEB (0132) 296 - Study Abroad

    Credits: 1 to 12

  • HEB (0132) 396 - Study Abroad

    Credits: 1 to 12

  • HEB (0132) 400 - Hebrew Elective

    Credits: 1 to 6

  • HEB (0132) 490 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1 to 6

    When Offered: Spring

  • HEB (0132) 496 - Study Abroad

    Credits: 1 to 12

  • HED (0834) 196 - Study Abroad

    Credits: 1 to 6

  • HED (0834) 200 - Health Educ Elective

    Credits: 1 to 6

  • HED (0834) 275 - Special Topics

    Credits: 3.00

    This course examines the role of nutrition in healthy living and disease prevention. Students will explore contemporary nutrition issues, analyze dietary patterns as well as understand basic principles of nutrition.

  • HED (0834) 276 - Special Topics

    Credits: 2

  • HED (0834) 277 - Special Topics

    Credits: 1

  • HED (0834) 370 - Coping with Psychological Health Factors

    Credits: 3

    Examine psychosocial health theory and the psychosocial factors that can affect the health of individuals and society.

  • HED (0834) 371 - Health Issues For Educators

    Credits: 3.00

    Learn about teaching health education, including current New York State and national health education and curriculum guidelines, instructional planning, objectives and teaching methods and assessments. Students also receive training in violence prevention and child abuse prevention for New York State certification.

    When Offered: Fall,Spring

  • HED (0834) 372 - Human Sexuality

    Credits: 3.00

    Explore health issues in society and diverse aspects of human sexuality. Guided by student centered approach to enhance learning.

    When Offered: Fall,Spring

  • HED (0834) 373 - Essentials of Healthful Living

    Credits: 3.00

    Examine basic issues in health and explores values, attitudes, and behaviors conducive to a healthier lifestyle.

    When Offered: Fall,Spring

  • HED (0834) 375 - Issues in Consumer Health

    Credits: 3.00

    Learn about becoming better health consumers by acquiring the information and skills necessary to make better use of the health care system.

    When Offered: Fall,Spring

  • HED (0834) 400 - Health Education Elective

    Credits: 1.00 to 6.00

  • HED (0834) 402 - Hlth Cnslg/Crisis Intervention

    Credits: 3

  • HED (0834) 488 - HED PRACTICM

    Credits: 2.00

    This course enables students who are not previously certified or those who are previously certified in a discipline other than health education to fulfill the New York State requirement of supervised participation in a school health education class prior to their student teaching. The student will work with and be evaluated by a cooperating teacher at the placement sight.

    When Offered: Fall,Spring

  • HED (0834) 490 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1.00 to 6.00


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