2022-23 University Bulletin 
    Feb 06, 2025  
2022-23 University Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences

Harvey Hall, Room 130
p - 516.877.4080
f - 516.877.4805
w - education.adelphi.edu

Xiao-Lei Wang, Dean
Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences


Emily Kang, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Education                                     Laura Ludlum, Director of Early Learning Center
  JeanMarie Ignatiadis, Senior Director of Student Success
  Patricia Esposito, Director Assessment and Accreditation Office
  Esther Kogan, Ed.D., Visiting Associate Professor and Director, S.T.E.P.
  Marcella Mandracchia-Brasco, Assistant Director for Student Success
  Anne Marie Skvala, Director of the Hy Weinberg Center for Communication Disorders
  Emilia Zarco, Associate Professor and Chair, School Health Sciences
  Dolapo Adeniji-Neil, Professor and Chair, School of Education
  Steven Cox, Associate Professor, Interim Chair and Program Director, Communications Sciences and Disorders



Elizabeth de Freitas
Sarah Doolittle
Robert Goldfarb
Laura Koenig
Robert Linné
Florence L. Myers
Evelyn O’Connor
Michael O’Loughlin
Robert M. Otto
Paul Rukavina
Janet R. Schoepflin
Yula Serpanos
Devin Thornburg
Stephen Virgilio
Rita Verma

Associate Professors

Dolapo Adeniji-Neill, Chair, School of Education
Steven Cox, Associate Professor, Interim Chair and Program Director, Communications Sciences and Disorders
Emilia Zarco, Chair School of Heath Sciences
Pavan J. Antony
Cindy Arroyo
Dana Battaglia
Srilata Bhattacharyya
Lyudmila A. Bryzzheva
Diane Caracciolo
Matthew Curinga
Robert Danielowich
Susan Eichenholtz
Anne Gibbone
Daryl Gordon
Jean Harris
Tracy Hogan
Emily Kang
Reem Khamis-Dakwar
Esther Kogan
Ellen Kowalski
Susan Lederer
Greg Letter
Mara Manson
Kevin Mercier
Carl Mirra
H. Robert Perez
John Petrizzo
Stephen S. Rubin
Elaine S. Sands
Diana Schwinge
Shilpi Sinha
Laraine Wallowitz
Courtney Weida
Meredith Whitley
Lori Berman Wolf
Ming-Hsuan Wu

Assistant Professors

Michele (Mike) Aquino
Clara Bauler
Barbrina Ertle
Aaron Hung
Ryan Lee James
Eric Knee
Krystie Lynch
Lisa Minicozzi
Ashwini Namasivayam
Melissa Randazzo

Visiting Professors


Clinical Associate Professor

MaryJean McCarthy
Anita Frey
John Wygand

Clinical Assistant Professors

Daniel Bedard
Diana Feige
Dorothy Phalen
Cynthia Proscia
Stephen Shore


Greg Bouris

Senior Adjunct Faculty

Felix Berman
Howard Boll
Dennis Cowan
Janet Ficke
Gary Goldenback
Patricia Gremillion-Burdge
Carol Lynn Kearney
Mara Manson
Fayth Vaugh-Shavuo


Mission Statement

As a scholarly community, we are committed to providing educational opportunities for professional growth at the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral levels by creating authentic academic and field experiences, cultivating respect for the diverse populations we serve, embracing ethical practices, and preparing our students to become reflective change agents through research, collaboration and leadership.

Our three schools offer specific programs leading to undergraduate and graduate degrees. These departments offer a wide range of programs leading to certification in early childhood, elementary and secondary education, special education, TESOL and bilingual education, literacy, educational leadership, educational technology, physical and health education, and speech and communication disorders.

All programs in the Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences are committed to ensuring that candidates have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required in their field of study. As a College, we believe that educational professionals working in a complex multi-cultural society must not only be scholars, but also reflective practitioners who can grow and learn over time. We believe in inclusive communities that respect the contribution and worth of all individuals, and that educational professionals have the ability to change society. Finally, we seek to promote a holistic view of learning and the recognition that teaching is a creative act, that creativity and the arts enable schools to become more humane and just.

Core Values

  • Scholarship-Teachers, clinicians and school administrators must be scholars who value and engage in lifelong learning.
  • Reflective Practice-We stress the value of learning through meaningful activity and reflection within a community of scholars/educators.
  • Social Justice-We recognize learning as a sociocultural dynamic and therefore seek to frame our learning and service within the cultural, historical, and material contexts of our diverse communities.
  • Inclusive Community-Our philosophy embraces community and collaboration.
  • Wellness-Our conception of learning is holistic. Values and personal growth in the physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual domains should be nurtured.
  • Creativity and the Arts-Creativity and vision are inherent in our conception of the education professional. The creative process allows us to reflect on our world as well as envision ways of making it more humane and just.

For more about these core values, please visit education.adelphi.edu/about/what-we-stand-for/

The Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences is committed to:

  • providing the highest quality of academic and clinical education as recognized by our national, regional and state accrediting bodies
  • increasing quality experiences both within the classroom and in the field
  • leading with integrity, and with respect for diverse individuals and special populations
  • increasing collaboration among the faculty and with community partners
  • supporting our students in recognizing and attending to societal needs through the development of leadership, technological and communication skills
  • continuing the development of disciplinary and interdisciplinary advanced certification and doctoral degree programs
  • conducting research and supporting professional development in order to enhance student learning

The Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences is comprised two academic units:

  • School of Education
  • School of Health Sciences

NYSED Regulations for Teacher Education Programs

All programs leading to teacher, leader and pupil personnel certification comply with the following grade requirements from the New York State Education Department Office of Teaching Initiatives: 

Content and Pedagogical Core Courses - Only courses with a grade of C or above for undergraduate level, and B- or above for graduate level courses are acceptable toward meeting content core requirements. 

General Core in Liberal Arts & Sciences - The minimum grade requirement does not apply to coursework to satisfy the general core requirements, except where specified in certain coursework requirement descriptions.

Administrative Services

School and Community Partnerships

Angela Murphy, Associate Director of Field Experiences
Harvey Hall 106
p- 516.877.3708

The mission of the Office of School and Community Partnerships is to encourage and support our education professional candidates in their journey from participant observers to certified education professionals. Our goal is to work with our partner school districts to help each education professional candidate develop the skills, knowledge and dispositions necessary to become a skilled professional dedicated to educating all students.

For more information see the Web site for the Office of School and Community Partnerships: education.adelphi.edu/experiential-learning/community-partnerships.

Supervised Clinical Experience for Teacher Education

A supervised clinical experience is provided for students completing their certification programs. Each experience is a full-time, daytime responsibility and includes a weekly seminar at Adelphi University. Specific course prerequisites for student teaching or the practicum are listed in the course description sections for individual programs. General requirements include a satisfactory health examination, a satisfactory speech and hearing evaluation, acceptable academic qualifications, and satisfactory faculty recommendations. Students must have completed all program requirements, have met with their advisor and been cleared for student teaching by their program director.

To determine what tests are needed for a specific certification area, please visit nystce.nesinc.com. It is strongly recommended that all exams be taken prior to student teaching. Undergraduate students must have a 2.75 overall GPA and 3.0 in education courses to be eligible to student teach. Graduate students must have a 3.0 overall GPA.

Applications for the clinical experience must be filed by March 1 for the following spring semester and December 1 for the following fall semester. Information pertaining to the clinical experience may be obtained through the Office of School and Community Partnerships.

Additional Information for Graduate Students in the School of Education

Requirements for Retention in, and Completion of, Degree Programs in the College of Education and Health Sciences: Graduate Programs

The performance of degree candidates within the Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences is regularly assessed to ensure that they are meeting minimum standards to continue in their program of study. All degree candidates are required to successfully complete key benchmarks designated by their department faculty in order to maintain good standing within their program. In some programs the benchmarks include documentation of proficiency in professional standards as well as passing required New York State Teacher Certification Examinations. Benchmarks may be housed in specific courses and indicated on course syllabi; in some programs the benchmarks are not tied to specific courses but are aligned with professional standards in the program’s field of study. All degree candidates in the College of Education and Health Sciences are required to develop and maintain a professional portfolio, which will be assessed at key points during their program. Additionally, candidates who fall below their department’s minimum GPA will be subject to probation and/or dismissal from their program. Please see your program handbook for further details.

Effective September 1, 2011, all teacher certification candidates are required to take a three (3) credit course to develop the skills necessary to provide instruction that will promote the participation and progress of students with disabilities in the general education curriculum. Courses fulfilling this mandate will be provided through faculty advisement.

In addition to meeting academic requirements, all candidates are required to demonstrate the professional behaviors and attitudes expected within their field. Candidates who do not demonstrate the expected dispositions, or behave in unprofessional, unethical ways, will be given opportunities for improvement, if appropriate, but may also be subject to dismissal from their program or be blocked from student teaching, depending on the circumstances.

Degrees are conferred four times per year: May 31, August 31, December 31 and January 31. Candidates must apply for graduation through the Office of the Registrar in order to be eligible for degree conferral. Exit requirements from the College of Education and Health Sciences include successful completion of all program requirements for the degree as determined by their departmental faculty and outlined in advisement publications.


All applicants seeking admission to graduate study at Adelphi University, whether they wish to become candidates for a graduate degree or not, must formally request admission before registering for graduate courses, in accordance with the procedures for University Admission to Graduate Study described in this Bulletin.

Graduate Admissions Requirements Each department within the College of Education and Health Sciences uses multiple criteria in determining the admission status of prospective candidates. Although some programs may have higher or different/additional requirements, in general, a minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 is expected. Additionally, applicants are required to submit letters of reference, write a personal essay and, for some programs, submit a resume.

Applicants who graduated from Adelphi University and who are applying for an Advanced or Dual Certification Program may use letters of reference on file. Please note that letters of reference are maintained for a period of 5 years. Based upon a review of all the application materials, applicants may be admitted as degree candidates (fully matriculated candidates) or they may be admitted on a provisional basis. In the latter case, candidates may be given specific prerequisites to satisfy before becoming a degree candidate or they may be restricted in the number of courses they are permitted to take before their status is reviewed. For detailed information about the admissions requirements for each program, please consult education.adelphi.edu/admissions/requirements.

Programs of Study

The Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences offers the following programs:

School of Education: Combined

Go to information for School of Education: Combined.


Combined Bachelors/Master’s

School of Education: Undergraduate

Go to information for School of Education: Undergraduate.

School of Education: Graduate

Go to information for School of Education: Graduate.


Master of Arts

Master of Science

Graduate Certificate

Advanced Certificate

School of Health Sciences: Combined

Go to information for School of Health Sciences: Combined.


Combined Bachelors/Master’s

School of Health Sciences: Undergraduate

Go to information for School of Health Sciences: Undergraduate.


Bachelor of Science


School of Health Sciences: Graduate

Go to information for School of Health Sciences: Graduate.


Master of Arts

Master of Science

Advanced Certificate

Communication Sciences and Disorders: Undergraduate

Go to information for Communication Sciences and Disorders: Undergraduate.


Bachelor of Science

Communication Sciences and Disorders: Graduate

Go to information for Communication Sciences and Disorders: Graduate.


Master of Science

Doctor of Audiology

Doctor of Philosophy

Teacher Certification