NY State Program Code: 26400
HEGIS Code: 1508.00
CIP Code: 13.1401
(40 credits)
The M.A. in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) is a program for candidates who do not currently hold certification in ESL Education. Candidates who currently hold ESL certification should enroll in a graduate program leading to certification in an area other than TESOL in order to fulfill professional (permanent) certification requirements in both areas. Qualified candidates certified in areas other than ESL may enroll in this program in order to earn a second certificate and fulfill the graduate degree requirement for professional certification in both areas. The program is also registered for candidates seeking initial certification in TESOL. Upon application to the program, candidates’ undergraduate transcripts will be evaluated for appropriate liberal arts course work required under New York State regulations which include completion of 12 credits in a language other than English. Any deficient course work must be completed prior to the final student teaching semester. The Ruth S. Ammon School of Education does not waive the student teaching requirement.
There is also a Non-Certification Track M.A. in TESOL designed for international students or other candidates preparing to teach English as a Second Language to adults or in programs where certification is not required.
Note: The following course sequence is for candidates entering in the fall semester. See departmental adviser for sequence for candidates entering in spring or summer. Courses are three credits unless noted otherwise. Note: In compliance with new state regulations, the M.A. degree program requires a minimum of 100 hours of fieldwork in schools prior to student teaching.